Friday, March 6, 2020

Why can’t I stop using Carrie Underwood’s fitness app?

Why can’t I stop using Carrie Underwood’s fitness app?

Philips' original paradigmatic Hue Curvation -- acclimated by the company's praised Hue bulbs to interface with smartphones as well-built as digital assistants -- is meltdown support for all internet enlarged services on April 30th, 2020, including Google Co-conspirator as well-built as Alexa.

Once that date passes, customers will still be stalwart to use the Hue Curvation v1, however only back enlarged to the same local pattern application the legacy Philips Hue Curvation v1 app. However, Philips won't be offering any new software updates for the app, including security patches. Considering of those security concerns, Philips recommends that customers upgrade to the v2 paradigmatic of the Curvation rather than continue application the lunge functionality of the v1.

The congregation convincingly nourish that the v1 Curvation would be meltdown support meanest year, however the move is still significant: preferential Hue products aren't functional after the Curvation to serve as a hub, as well-built as it's the headmost major desecration of any Hue products since the congregation headmost started transactions them in October 2012.

Philips headmost introduced the v2 Curvation paradigmatic in 2015, as part of an update to add support for Apple's HomeKit soprano home technology (at the time, Earth required manufacturers to listen a ponderable housewares diaries dent to assignment with HomeKit, although it has since eased up on that restriction.) It's forthcoming to unmask if you've got the v1 Curvation or not: the original paradigmatic (the one that's meltdown internet support) is cylindrical shaped one, while the v2 paradigmatic is ellipsoidal one.

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The Philips Hue Curvation v1 (left) as well-built as v2 (right)
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In a annotate to CNET justifying the decision, Philips renowned that "The Hue curvation v1 no longer has the resources to guaranty the evolution of the system -- from compatibility as well-built as quality, to speed as well-built as security -- thus we uncontestable to end the support for it."

Philips also tried to reassure customers of the customary v2 model on Twitter that they shouldn't fear a agnate lack of support soon, noting that "there is no planned date back the Curvation v2 will no longer be supported." Another twitter appended that "There is currently no appointed end of life for the V2 bridge, as well-built as we're not working on a new curvation at the moment either accordingly will continue working with the V2."

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