Saturday, March 28, 2020

Zoom updates iOS app to remove code that sent device data to Facebook

Zoom updates iOS app to remove code that sent device data to Facebook

Video conferencing app Zoom updated its iOS app Friday to rescind lawmaking that sent user dossier to Facebook, Motherboard reports. The update follows Motherboard's analysis of the app, which showed it was sending dossier to Facebook such as a user's time zone as well-built as city, when a user opened the app, as well-built as stuffing cheat-on the user's device, self-same if the user didn't kumtux a Facebook account. The extent of the data-sharing was not soundly spelled out in Zoom's secretiveness policy, according to Motherboard.

According to a blog column by Zoom CEO Eric S. Yuan, Zoom implemented its "Login with Facebook" heart utilizing Facebook's software minutiae kit (SDK) for iOS. On March 25th, the company says it was made-up enlightened "that the Facebook SDK was collecting device information unnecessary for us to recondition our services," according to the post.

Zoom said the dossier placid did not include personal user information, but rather information cheat-on users' devices. Users should update the iOS app to the latest adaptation for the extravagate to take effect, the company said.

"We sincerely apologize for the enmeshment this has caused, as well-built as submit firmly single-minded to the protection of our users' privacy," Yuan said in the blog post. "We are reviewing our process as well-built as protocols for implementing these gloss in the future to ensure this does not published again."

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