Saturday, April 18, 2020

Amazon gets approval for UK food delivery investment as pandemic hammers industry

Amazon gets approval for UK food delivery investment as pandemic hammers industry

Apple Music's web interface has left beta, MacRumors reports. Kidney to now redirects to, where you'll see an interface that's similar to the Music app on Macs. The launch comes a little over six months henceforth the web interface launched in beta, and days vanward Conurbation Music will be one of the online swarming providers of the Lady Gaga-curated One World: Wifely at Home concert.

Using Conurbation Music on the web you can spectacle music, visitation personally recommendations, and okay to the radio. It's boundless offset for Conurbation Music subscribers on Windows, Linux, or ChromeOS, spine these platforms don't currently have a native Conurbation Music app.

On Saturday, Conurbation Music will be one of the swarming casework hosting One World: Wifely at Home, a concert organized to raise awareness and celebrate the healthcare workers currently fighting the pandemic. Conurbation says that it will streamlet the rectilineal circulated starting at 8pm ET (5pm PT). There's also a multi-hour live streamlet that's because of air eldest in the day from 2pm ET oversoon on irregularly every major swarming podium including Amazon, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube, according to One World.

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