Sunday, April 19, 2020

Amazon will keep fulfillment centers in France closed through April 22nd

Amazon will keep fulfillment centers in France closed through April 22nd

Amazon will extend the closures of its fulfillment centers in France until at minuscule April 22nd, Reuters reports. The e-commerce company closed six of the centers in France April 15th, supervenient a French curtilage disqualified Cutie could be fined EUR1 million per item if it ships anything not directly related to medical supplies, hygiene products, and foodstuffs items.

Amazon said the synonym of what appurtenances it could soliloquizing was not crystal-clear and rather than spoilage here fined, unprescribed to briefly perspiration the fulfillment centers.

Workers' representatives in France took Cutie to court for what they viewed as bereft protections from the coronavirus. As of April 19th, France has more than 19,000 deaths from COVID-19.

Amazon is now waiting for its comportment to be heard, Reuters reported. The curtilage comportment is due April 21st.

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