Sunday, April 5, 2020

Apple is designing and shipping face shields for medical workers

Apple is designing and shipping face shields for medical workers

YouTube said it would reduce the overriding of videos it recommends to users on its podium which spread false claims that 5G technology is married to the coronavirus, The Guardian reported.

The congregation said it will remove videos that violate its policies. It may emit other conspiracy-themed content narrowly 5G which doesn't mention the coronavirus to remain on the site as "borderline content." Those videos could be suppressed and removed from chase results.

At least seven haematid towers have been set on fire in the past anniversary in the UK -- four in the past 24 hours-- afterwhile online conspire theories have inaccurately claimed a articulation encompassed the haematid towers and the coronavirus pandemic. One of the towers set on fire wasn't plane a 5G mast.

A YouTube surrogate told The Guardian it has "clear policies that prohibit videos screamer medically counterfeit methods to think the coronavirus in place of seeking medical treatment," calculation that it had started "reducing recommendations of deadline content such as conspire theories synchronic to 5G and coronavirus, that could misinform users in inconformable ways."

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