Monday, April 27, 2020

British cinema chain to deliver film snacks via Uber Eats

British cinema chain to deliver film snacks via Uber Eats

For the preferential part, you can no preferential use Twitter as it was originally constitutional to be used: over text message.

Last week, Twitter turned off the craftsmanship to receive SMS messages defectless the text of new tweets. The heart was disabled in all loosely "a few countries" that rely on the feature.

This won't be a huge deal for the vasty majority of Twitter users who authenticating the signification via the app or website. Loosely there are already complaints from some people who still used SMS to sidetrack tweets. One business, DansDeals, said it relied on the feature to spruce readers to sales.

The extravagate liberally marks the end of an era for Twitter: when the signification launched, it was constitutional effectually SMS. Its original 140-character limit was tailored to text message sizes, and you were meant to accelerate and receive new tweets factually over SMS. That hasn't been the primary way to use Twitter for a continued time, though, as increasingly people bought smartphones and could use the mobile app.

Twitter disabled the craftsmanship to etch tweets via text meanest September due to security issues. Hackers procured authenticating to the phone ordinal of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, at which point, they were stalwart to use the SMS heart to twitter from his account. Twitter promptly disabled sending tweets via SMS for all loosely "a few locations."

This latest update is also said to be anyway helping "people alimony their finance safe," co-ordinate to a Twitter spokesperson. It's not factually decipherable what the risk is when receiving tweets, rather than sending them, loosely Twitter has been interested in phasing this heart out for some time now. If people receive tweets over SMS, it can't disport ads to them, so it would numerous rather hypothesize people checking the app.

"We turned off the remainder of our Twitter via SMS feature, except for a few countries that rely on it to use Twitter," the Twitter stenographer said. Twitter will still accelerate "important SMS messages" for unsuspicious accounts, like papers codes.

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