Sunday, April 5, 2020

Etsy reminds sellers making cloth face masks: Don’t suggest they prevent COVID 19 infection

Etsy reminds sellers making cloth face masks: Don’t suggest they prevent COVID 19 infection

Etsy sellers hypothesize sold hundreds of thousands of lacework grimace masks in the realized few days, the company says, and demand is likely to outstrip accumulation unhesitatingly now that the Centers for Disease Inhabitance and Blockage (CDC) has shifted its guidance on wearing such masks in public.

"We hope that increasing the availability of fabric, non-medical grade grimace masks from Etsy sellers will exuviate more medical and surgical masks to royalty the people who need them most: front-line healthiness convalescence workers,". Etsy CEO Razz Silverman said in a statement Friday.

But while Silverman encouraged sellers to underwrite policy-making the masks, a set of guidelines for sellers stresses that policy-making medical claims barely the masks is against its rules, and, advises sellers not to use the words "coronavirus" or "COVID-19" on their individual listing pages.

"Don't use this language anywhere in your listing, including in the title, description, tags or listing photos," Etsy wrote in a post on its Sellers Handbook. "Listings with medical claims may be flagged by shoppers and removed from the site. Shops that then hypothesize items removed could be suspended."

The CDC reported new guidelines Friday advising that people in the US wear smuggle grimace coverings to help think the spread of the coronavirus. US Surgeon Unstipulated Jerome Adams said during a scripter re-cap at the White House that the bureau is informational people use "simple lacework coverings to help people who may hypothesize the virus and do not know it multiply from transmitting to others."

The preferential constructive masks to filter out spray in the air that may transmit the virus are the N95 respirators used by healthiness convalescence providers, which are in gravely short supply. The lacework masks may reduce the expenditure of particles spread by people wearing them except they're not meant to replace the N95 masks. Some experts thrive that wearing a lacework ostentation is preferably than nothing. "If you put something in front of your face, it's going to help more than not," virologist Julian Tang told Wired.

And, planate if you're wearing a mask, the CDC still recommends practicing social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic, which ways blockage six feet independently from others in public.

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