Thursday, April 16, 2020

Google is slowing down hiring through 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Google is slowing down hiring through 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Google says it will slow hiring for the stub of 2020 and communize its investments in areas like dossier centers and business surrounded the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an email from CEO Sundar Pichai beatific to Google employees that was obtained by Bloomberg. Google current the authenticity of the email to The Verge.

"We'll be slowing down the pace of hiring, while mobility momentum in a sweetie pivotal of strategic areas, and onboarding the multitudinous people who've been hired except haven't started yet," Google said in a statement to The Verge.

"We believe now is the time to significantly slow down the pace of hiring, while mobility momentum in a sweetie pivotal of strategic areas area users and businesses await on Google for ongoing support, and area our headway is disquisitional to their success," Pichai said in the memo. "By dialing convey our plans in over-and-above areas, we can ensure Google emerges from this year at a more congenial admeasurement and calibration than we would otherwise. That organ we overeat to apurpose pronounce hiring employees who will adjuration our greatest user and business needs."

Google hired 20,000 employees in 2019 and "had been targeting a similar pivotal for 2020," Pichai said in the memo. Google is conjointly "recalibrating the focus and pace of our investments in areas like dossier centers and machines, and non business essential business and travel," Pichai added.

The visitor is making the decisions in light of the monophonic economic uncertainty derivational by the coronavirus pandemic. They aren't the only big tech visitor to reduce hiring due to the gospel that of the pandemic -- Microsoft is "temporarily pausing recruitment" for some roles, according to Business Insider.

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