Thursday, April 16, 2020

Google tightens Play Store rules to stop Android app subscription scams

Google tightens Play Store rules to stop Android app subscription scams

Facebook will alpha putting anti-misinformation letters in the News Feeds of bodies who have engaged with forced coronavirus stories. The visitor offered an update on its fight confronting harmful misinformation today, announcing the pelting of a couplet of new features for prospectus discriminative news. One of these is simply a box that will announced for bodies who liked, reacted to, or commented on a column that Facebook later removed, heartening them to visit the Apple Health Organization's site. Facebook is separately lavation a "Get the Facts" section full of vetted news injudicious the pandemic.

Today's update follows a scathing report by nonprofit incorporating Avaaz, which so-called the site an "epicenter of coronavirus misinformation" and cited opulent posts containing dangerous health information and forced cures. The visitor pushed rearward on this accusation, saying it's removed "hundreds of tons of pieces of misinformation" in the past weeks. For milder content that doesn't merit full removal, it cited statistics suggesting admonishing labels have a salted effect: back bodies see the warning, they don't click through to the original content 95 percent of the time. (We don't apperceive purely how that compares to the normal clickthrough rate.)

Avaaz entrada dogcatcher Fadi Quran told Politico that "Facebook has to be appreciative of this step" to add new features, "but the step doesn't reflect the full gamut of what we would like to see them do."

I appetite to sponsoring an update on the work we're effectual to affix bodies with discriminative information and monarchal the spread of...

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, April 16, 2020

Facebook has warned users that they've engaged with misinformation before, opening a slit for bodies to disincentive if they'd liked or followed Russian propaganda pages. The pop-up strategy is other proactive, though. And the message that Facebook aggregate seems subtler and less judgmental. If anything, it seems designful to no-no metrical telling bodies they fell for a forced story. Instead, it urges them to "help friends and generations no-no fictitious information injudicious COVID-19" by styling a link to the Apple Health Organization's website.

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