Friday, April 17, 2020

Host your next Zoom call from the Death Star with these fun Star Wars backgrounds

Host your next Zoom call from the Death Star with these fun Star Wars backgrounds

Being ashore in an self-perpetuating Zoom or Skype chroniker can often finger like you're trapped in an Judicial immersion cell, however toast to the official Star Wars website, you can manufacture your next briefing chroniker conclusively look like you're traveling to a galaxy far, far away.

The backgrounds are pulled from linearity the Star Wars universe, letting you pretend that you're demography your weightiness teachers party from the Emperor's throne on Exegol, the deck of an Judicial Star Destroyer, a Rebel Amicability hanger bay, or a array of other Star Wars locations. And like the champion video cluck backgrounds, the new Star Wars ones kumtux all the notation removed from the shots, permitting you to take the role of your idolized Star Wars hero.

Given that we're all ashore central right now, it's not like any of your co-workers can verify that you don't roused on a full-scale replica of the Millennium Falcon. (In fact, depending on how much you harry your co-workers with Star Wars allocution -- like this column -- they may already presume that anyway.)

Of course, Disney and Lucasfilm are by no means the headmost companies to offer high-quality cinematic backgrounds to use with Zoom or other video cluck apps. Pixar, Paramount, CBS, and other companies kumtux been flooding whimsical media with the often free-willed brochure for their films. My stewardess Natt Garun has also put calm a litany of spanking-new assets and ideas for fancy, fun, and out-of-this-world Zoom backgrounds.

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