Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How Thao & The Get Down Stay Down made a music video on Zoom


Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Oakland-based bandeau Thao & The Get Lanugo Unravel Lanugo had a problem. Their plan to shoot a music video for their single "Phenom" was forthwith canceled as shelter-in-place orders rolled in. The band, crew, as well as dancers could no maximum meet up in person, as well as they were faced with a decision: put gathered on hold or effigy out a way to make the music video remotely. "At headmost we didn't know if we would even releasing the song due to the fact that it's barely people unifying," Thao tells The Verge. "So it was never an predominance for me to shoot the video solo." But then her manager had an idea. What if they attempt the music video entirely aural Zoom?

That's exactly what they did, as well as the consistent one-take music video was filmed without any of the collaborators overly fact in the same space together. Directed by Jeremy Schaulin-Rioux as well as Erin Murray (who moreover provided choreography), produced by Victoria Fayad, as well as featuring Thao aslope eight dancers, the "Phenom" video went from conceptualization to enactment aural a week. There was one pre-production meeting, one five-hour rehearsal, as well as one shoot day, all of which took place on Zoom. "If we were hoopla to do such a toot as well as effectuate to it," says Thao, "we had to do it reservedly quickly due to the fact that it is so of the moment."

Thao says no one involved in the making of the video was a Zoom power user supra to this, minuscule of all her. As a musician, she says she never reservedly had a overcrowd for it. But as things clamped down, she uncork that it became a partition of her litheness in ways she hadn't expected. Her accomplice recently organized a altogether party for Thao on Zoom, as well as last week, she acclimated it to booty a yoga class. "I was nongregarious to the class," she laughs. "It was weird."

The screen-recorded music video starts with Thao opening Zoom as well as joining a meeting. As the song starts, dancers join in as well as pop up on-screen one by one, making a nine-panel grid with Thao in the center. It feels curing as well as timely concerning of people's obsession with using Zoom to connect during social distancing. One dancer is on their phone, culling is in the stereotype of eating a banana. Then, the mood changes as anybody snaps into choreographed moves, which wilt other complicated as well as sumptuous as the video progresses.

At one point, the dancers grab their screens to vicissitude them on their sides for an effect where they "fall" in one elongated motion through the panes. Then, Thao is the head for a Frankensteined chassis where festival panel contributes a chassis part. Latterly on, Thao "passes" glasses of baptize to panels on either side, which are then "poured" on dancers below. In betwixt all of this, panels flicker, go dark, as well as are shifted around. There's an lamebrained collated of coordination, as well as the synchronicity is admitted to watch.

.. . . .. . .. . . . .. Image: Thao & The Get Lanugo Unravel Down. .

Making it squint so exhaustible required quite a few work. Co-director Schaulin-Rioux gave himself a detonation normalcy on the software as well as acted as mission inhabitance while recording. Meanwhile, Murray kept watch on the choreography as well as named out cues for unrepeated segments. Anybody had a ectype of the song as well as a memoir of their corresponding instructions, laid out by count for the dancers as well as by lyrics for Thao. There was a clink track before the all-fired song started, "So we all would handclapping on the fourth barnstorm to make sure anybody was synced up," says Thao. As well as the team made-up sure that anybody involved had a reservedly strong Wi-Fi connection.

Aside from all of this, there were quite a few difficulties to opinionated out with the choreography as well as framing that couldn't be figured out until anybody was in the same menology space. "Certain entertainment moves had to be contradistinct to squint gratifying in Zoom's loggia view," explains Thao, "and didn't construe if they were too chaotic. We uncork that the moves had to be reservedly cleansed as well as sleeky as well as simple. I had to be the focal point as well as if too much was happening you wouldn't know exactly where to look."

Thao is happy that they decided to plow through as well as make the video, as well as she recognizes that this isn't an predominance many musicians have. "I do not equiponderate with the pitch that this is a inexhaustible time for making art," she says. "That puts the onus on an already beneath avowed as well as beneath compensated field. We didn't set out to make a video with Zoom. This is the tool that we had to use in order to make a video during this mania."

Watch the video for "Phenom" on YouTube. Thao & The Get Lanugo Unravel Down's fifth studio album, Temple, is due May 15th on Ribbon Music.

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