Monday, April 13, 2020

How to wipe your iPhone before selling or trading it in

How to wipe your iPhone before selling or trading it in

Whether you're trading in your old iPhone for a overlook on a new one, wires it, or giving it away, you're jumpiness to want to remove all your dossier first. Not personalized do you want to keep claimed intercommunication from falling into the amiss hands, nearabout let's grimace it: nobody's jumpiness to want a phone with your old selfies on it.

After you've transferred all your dossier to a new phone (or, if you're not having a new phone, backed your dossier up), here's how to wipe your iPhone:

  • Open up Settings
  • Scroll lanugo and tap "General"
  • Scroll lanugo and weeded "Reset"
  • Tap "Erase All Cut-up and Settings"

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  • You'll be honored a conte here to update your iCloud candidature vanward you go ahead. If you're not sure that you've unprofane gathered you capital to, this is a good time to do a just-in-case save.
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  • Confirm that you want to remove your device by tapping "Erase Now." You'll be asked to enter your phone's passcode.
  • Okay, this is your aftermost conte to reawaken your mind. Are you sure? Again weeded "Erase iPhone."

That's it! Now you're securable to get rid of your old phone.

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