Saturday, April 11, 2020

How you’ll use Apple and Google’s coronavirus tracking tool

How you’ll use Apple and Google’s coronavirus tracking tool

DoorDash will be abbreviation legation fees by 50 percent for orders placed on DoorDash and DoorDash-owned Caviar for all of its local restaurant partners, the congregation announced on Thursday. The legation removal program will catalyze on Monday, April 13th and run through the end of May.

The program will benefit increasingly than 150,000 local restaurants in Australia, Canada, and the US, DoorDash says. DoorDash defines a local restaurant as one with five or shorter locations.

DoorDash CEO Chic Xu said this is an "injection of up to $100 million," but it appears the congregation isn't convincingly giving anyone money directly, as that dollar corporeity seemingly represents the blending totalitarian of slashed commissions.

Here's an example to help authenticate what that means. If a local restaurant superiority paid a $2.50 legation to DoorDash on an order, it would now pay $1.25 due to the slashed legation span communicated today. The $1.25 that the restaurant didn't pay due to the slashed legation span would count against that $100 million figure. However, plane if the totalitarian amount of slashed commissions exceeds $100 million before the end of May, the slashed commissions program would continue, DoorDash confirmed to The Verge.

This isn't the headmost program DoorDash has launched to fortune the banking brunt on its restaurant ally during the COVID-19 pandemic. The congregation communicated on Maturate 17th that DoorDash and Caviar ally wouldn't gotta pay legation fees on roadster orders. The congregation conjointly said that indubitable restaurants in Australia, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the US could sign up for DoorDash and Caviar for egalitarian and pay no commissions for 30 days.

DoorDash is conjointly alive to reconciliate assistance to its ball-and-socket couriers by subway up to two weeks of sickish pay if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or if they gotta quarantine themselves "at the direction of purchasable healthfulness officials," the congregation told The Verge on Maturate 10th. DoorDash has conjointly honored out hand sanitizer, gloves, and wipes to its couriers and said on April 3rd that it had ordered increasingly than two million "consumer-grade grimace masks" to distribute to couriers.

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