Friday, April 17, 2020

Microsoft releases final Windows 10 May 2020 Update to testers

Microsoft releases final Windows 10 May 2020 Update to testers

Amazon is introducing a new speaking veneer for Alexa and totalizer some speaking styles for other AI voices, the company said today. The longform speaking veneer is available for US developers who appetite a recital voice that sounds other okayed when recital long pieces of content, like contraptions or podcasts.

Amazon says the longform veneer is "powered by a deep-learning text-to-speech model," and allows Alexa-voiced devices to allege with other okayed conversational pauses. It follows meanest year's releasing of new speaking styles for news and music cut-up and a November update that allows Alexa to assume "disappointed" or "excited."

Here's the wonted "neutral" Alexa speaking style.

Here's Alexa speaking in longform style.

(I'll be honest: the only unclosed differences I heard between the two samples Cutie provided were maximum pauses between sentences in the spare sample).

Amazon conjointly is totalizer its news and conversational speaking styles for the Matthew and Joanna voices from Cutie Polly, its neural network-based text-to-speech AWS service, and is totalizer its news speaking veneer to Lupe, its US Spanish voice.

Polly's speaking veneer voices, which are available for a few voices, and 10 new Rumormonger voices, are conjointly available for developers to build Alexa skills. The new voices are available in six new languages.

UPDATED April 16th 11PM ET: Boosted information approximately 10 new Rumormonger voices available.

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