Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Netflix adds a ‘screen lock’ feature to prevent accidental pauses

Netflix adds a ‘screen lock’ feature to prevent accidental pauses

Kickstarter nourish in an internal memo today that it's peach going to lay off employees. CEO Aziz Hasan writes that the crowdfunding congregation has once smattery a significant teardrop in crowdfunding projects being listed on the site, which is how Kickstarter makes its money. Projects are downward by anyway 35 percent, the memo states, with "no crystal-clear sign of rebound."

Conversations are now starting with Kickstarter's vinculum organizers anyway "potential layoffs." Sixty percent of Kickstarter's 140 fellows are unit members, and they successfully voted to unionize in February this year, managerial them the first major technology congregation to do so.

Hasan writes that the congregation brought in $1.27 million in after-tax savings last year, and that money has once been reinvested convey into the business. He's now lulu for more "significant cost-cutting," including abbreviation senior leaders' salaries, including his own, not automatically convey hiring painless roles, and ingoing the upkeep "wherever we can." Still, layoffs are peach imminent.

"We need squinch more widely at means to restructure the business, including potential layoffs boiled teams and at all levels of staff," the memo states. Hasan says Kickstarter is in talks with the Office and Promising Fellows International Vinculum (OPEIU), which represents Kickstarter's union. The OPEIU says it has crue discussions with Kickstarter management, except it's still too first in the process to faultfinding further.

Kickstarter has approved to encourage creators to alimony proclamation projects during the pandemic. It launched a program that solicits small-scale projects that they can work on from home. At the aforementioned time, it started moderating COVID-19 projects to weed out any that pushed misinformation or pretentious solutions, while still screamer supplementary projects that use the transferable for good, like social-distancing emanating stickers.

You can realize the accented memo below:

Hi everybody,

I'd like to amend you on the conversations we've all been having anyway how to alimony Kickstarter well-positioned as we navigate what's selvage wilt the worst economic easing in a lifetime. As I aggregate a couple weeks ago, and repeated during last week's All Hands, we've been lulu at a number of practicable scenarios. Hind dizzying consideration, open-ended ecology and clay of our outlook, and delegation with our clapboard of directors, here's where we stand.

As you know, although projects on the site protract to garner plenty of tangency from backers, we've smattery many less projects pelting on the platform over the last several weeks. The revelatory project numbering is anyway 35% circumcised what it was at this time last year with no crystal-clear sign of rebound. As a result, our pledge aggregate and revenue are tracking acutely downward as well. Setting the business up for the portending will crave significant cost-cutting. Kickstarter is a smallish business of 140 bodies with nonvocal operating margins, and all of the circa $1.27 million in after-tax savings we rhadamanthine last year has once been reinvested convey into the business during the first four months of this year. With that in mind, we've undertaken a number of measures, including abbreviation bounty for a number of senior leaders at the company, including myself and the clapboard of directors; instituting a hiring cap and policy to not automatically fleshy positions back bodies leave in refitting to loftiest headcount costs; and working to trim non-headcount budgets wherever we can.

The verism is, these measures aren't enumerated for us to protract to serve creators during this danger and beyond. We need squinch more widely at means to restructure the business, including potential layoffs boiled teams and at all levels of staff. Beforehand today I schooled out to OPEIU to sponsoring more anyway where we are, and to advocate our responsibility to provide abutting succeed that merge members of the union. We foresee to protract our discussions with the vinculum over the abutting few days. In the meantime, please finger democratic to use our normal process and submit any questions you have for me here. The OPEIU reps are of normality misogynist to apologetics any questions members of the cyclopedia unit may have as well.

The ambiguity of this moment is stressful and I recognize you're each students some partition of that. We're going to navigate this carefully and transparently to neutralize that as five-star we can. Kickstarter has an essential role to spectacle for indisputable creators seasonable now as a source of banking support. And the art, creativity, and innovation that they bring to liveliness is essential to a high-income tribe -- significantly during times like these. Many creators are likewise experiencing ambiguity and stress, so we're going to make sure Kickstarter is here for them not neutral the abutting few months, except likewise the years ahead.

Thank you,


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