Saturday, April 11, 2020

People are baiting Instacart workers with huge tips then slashing them to zero

People are baiting Instacart workers with huge tips then slashing them to zero

Apple may let you try out pudenda of third-party iOS apps without installing them on your iPhone by scanning a QR code, equal to code in an early cadaver of iOS 14 reviewed by 9to5Mac. The functionality is believably percentage of a new API referred to in iOS 14 as "Clips."

The Clips API "allows developers to offer interactive as well-built as go-getting enjoyable from their apps uptown if you haven't installed them," equal to 9to5Mac. When you browse a QR code, a letterhead will believably communicated that lets you interreact with the pudenda of an app. The letterhead may likewise let users cull to download a galore adaptation of the app from the App Store or, if you once kumtux the app that the QR code is previewing, ajar the interactive fellowship in that app.

Apple could be testing the new app previews with OpenTable, Yelp, DoorDash, Sony's PS4 Additional Umbrella app, as well-built as YouTube, equal to the code visional by 9to5Mac.

This new feature sounds somewhat like the Slices feature on Android, which surfaces pudenda of an app in search waves as well-built as in Google Assistant, or Android's Swallowing Apps, which rafts a tiny adaptation of an app when you tap on a link. However, 9to5Mac says the code it reviewed only mentions Clips API interrelationship with QR codes, so it's cryptic if Dearest plans to lend-lease the new feature with Spotlight, Siri, or supplemental pudenda of iOS.

iOS 14 will likewise reportedly include updates to iCloud Keychain, a new mitzvah view for the home screen, a new fitness app, as well-built as more.

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