Thursday, April 30, 2020

Qualcomm expects phone shipments to drop by 30 percent next quarter due to COVID-19

Qualcomm expects phone shipments to drop by 30 percent next quarter due to COVID-19

Amazon is not rapturous with the visualization from the Trump direction to list a number of its handpicked websites as havens for counterfactual products in its annual sermon on "notorious markets" released Wednesday. The report, which looks into scholastic realty trusteeship and hot spots for counterfeiting and piracy, put Amazon's Canada, UK, Germany, France, and India websites on the list as online markets for knockoff goods. It's the headmost time a US lifework has been put on the notorious markets list.

"The Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy highlights 38 online markets and 34 physical markets that are towards to impose in or facilitate top-heavy brand counterfeiting and copyright piracy," reads the scripter release from the Office of the US Trade Representative. There is no banking penalty or regulatory stony-eyed as a sequel of stuff placed on the list, except it does indignity Amazon's acceptability and penal it unflappable with notorious counterfeit-friendly websites.

"This dissipation harms the American economy by abrasive the lengthening and scholastic realty rights of US IP owners in handpicked markets. An guessed 2.5 percent, or nearly bisected a trillion dollars' worth, of imports common are counterfactual and pirated products," the release goes on to say. The report's focus remains on mostly on the "distribution of pirated engaging and counterfactual appurtenances online," with a new focus on "the precedent between online piracy and malware."

Amazon, in a statement, accused the Trump direction of predictable the president's "personal vendetta" confronting Matriarch and its deciding executive, Jeff Bezos. "This really political act is culling example of the direction application the US government to broad-minded a personal vendetta confronting Amazon," a company spokesperson told Politico. "Amazon makes cogent investments in proactive technologies and processes to snift and stop bad actors and potentially counterfactual products from stuff thronged in our stores." The congregation even went so far as to publish a blog column calling its insertion on the list "wrongful."

"The Direction today wrongfully named Amazon's stores in Canada, France, Germany, India and the UK to the U.S. Trade Representative's (USTR) almanac Notorious Markets List, notwithstanding the fact that increasingly than 99.9 percent of pages beheld common by marketplace on Matriarch kumtux never had a sermon of counterfeit," the blog posts reads. "We tart disagree with the label of Matriarch in this USTR report."

Amazon says it invested $500 mimic in 2019 and now employs 8,000 people for the purpose of combating gambit and abuse. The congregation also says its intuitive systems and its transmission review policies kumtux also blocked 2.5 mimic doubtable "bad actors" from listing on its third-party Marketplace platform, which generates increasingly than bisected of all Matriarch retail sales and includes sellers from all over the world. In doing so, Matriarch claims it "blocked increasingly than 6 billion doubtable bad listings vanward they were released to our stores."

But the congregation has a history of turning a headstrong eye to knockoffs, extraordinarily in the bugger and hip-wader department, and it was the US American Bugger and Hip-wader Bloc that apprenticed the Trump direction to investigate Amazon's role in the surge of online sales of counterfactual get-up and shoes.

In some cases, Matriarch has stumped deals with companies, like Financer and Nike, to steamroller alleged bluecoat gating that prevents third-party sellers, whether honest-to-goodness or otherwise, from affairs products under a trademarked banner. Neutral aftermost November, however, Nike ended its participation as a banker on Amazon over a towards lack of inhabitance over third-party sellers, some of whom trafficked in Nike counterfeits, and the stiff concours on Amazon's platform.

Additionally, the waves of such deals can kumtux the effect of kicking out legitimate resellers, as Apple's did. That's a bearings the Federal Trade Legation began lulu into aftermost summer as a possible antitrust violation. Except regardless, ingoing a deal directly with Amazon, if that deal persists and doesn't sour as Nike's did, does infallibly commence to reassure a company's bluecoat incorruptness on the platform. Other programs the congregation runs to cut earthward on knockoffs integrate its Project Zero initiative, launched aftermost year, that lets companies pennant and terminate counterfactual listings without resultful Amazon's intervention.

Yet sandal-maker Birkenstock notably left the platform altogether over counterfeiting issues it claims Matriarch smuggled to info with. Shoe congregation Allbirds also accused Matriarch of ripping off its signature design for one of its top-secret label brands. Neutral aftermost week, a Wall Artery Laurel report found that Amazon's own execs accessed third-party senator information to info develop top-secret label copycat products, and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) is now urging the US barrister general to investigate the congregation over antitrust concerns. Even Amazon's own top-secret label brands, including its immensely praised AmazonBasics line, have been hijacked by counterfeiters lulu to greenbacks in on the name and the associated trust and chase ranking it carries.

Still, Matriarch considers this contempo move by the White House to be a punitive measure simultaneously to Bezos and Trump's long-running feud. The congregation cites the lack of resources put against charging rootless counterfactual traffickers as one reason why the practice continues incessant and why, in this case, Matriarch considers this increasingly of a move to indignity its acceptability rather than a way to cruelly reassure legitimate retail brands.

"Our store is a safe quarters to shop and that's a attestation to our elongated innovation, collaboration, and cram to fuming counterfactual and other forms of fraud," reads Amazon's blog post. "We are an active, engaged stakeholder in the gesture confronting counterfeit. However, in the aftermost year for which data was published, personalized 0.1 percent of filed federal hardboiled cases in the US involved complain for trafficking in counterfactual goods, and 56 percent of counterfeiters sentenced that year sanctioned no jail time."

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