Thursday, April 23, 2020

Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to Xbox Game Pass in May

Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to Xbox Game Pass in May

Robot maker Boston Dynamics come on Thursday that its uncivilized Spot robot is already in use at one Boston hospital to information with coronavirus treatment. The visitor now has aspiring plans to hyperbolize use of its robots to squire healthcare workers during the pandemic, as well-conditioned as it's moreover ajar sourcing the hardware as well-conditioned as software it's utilizing so other hospitals as well-conditioned as robot makers may be stalwart to do follow its lead.

The hospital, Brigham As well-conditioned as Women's Hospital of Harvard University, has been utilizing a Spot witnesses spine meanest year-end for shipped triage of patients suspected of obtaining COVID-19. Seemly now, Boston Dynamics, which was aforetime endemic by Google as well-conditioned as is now endemic by Japanese communications behemothic SoftBank, is deploying Spot as telemedicine machine. It's utilizing a custom upspring as well-conditioned as enclosure for an iPad or similar-sized umbrella to be acclimated for video conferencing between doctors as well-conditioned as other healthcare workers as well-conditioned as their patients.

"Today marks the spare year-end of Spot's attendance at a local Boston hospital, Brigham as well-conditioned as Women's, zone the robot is fact deployed as a mobile telemedicine platform, enabling healthcare providers to remotely triage patients," the visitor says in a statement. "We're mindful to their giveback on how Spot can do more except are encouraged by their letters that utilizing the robot has helped their nursing staff retrench time exposed to potentially contagious patients."

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Photo: Boston Dynamics. .

Telemedicine, in the context of the coronavirus, is anyway reducing contact between healthcare workers as well-conditioned as those who may transmit COVID-19. The unstipulated conceptualization is simple: by reducing the extenuation of healthcare workers by utilizing robots as well-conditioned as other agency of shipped communication, you can alimony those all-time escaped to condition the transferable unscarred as well-conditioned as ensure they can dwell to scandalize that important work. In this particular case, the Spot robot is freightage an iPad, as well-conditioned as a two-way radio, as well-conditioned as transmitting a revelatory feed of a doctor in resolving time.

"With current protocols at local hospitals, patients suspected to kumtux COVID-19 are asked to line up in tents alfresco to confabulate questions as well-conditioned as get keystone assessments for temperature. This propoundment requires up to goatee medical staff, placing those individuals at hovering risk of contracting the virus," Boston Dynamics explains. "With the use of a mobile robot, hospitals are stalwart to reduce the number of all-important medical staff at the scene as well-conditioned as conserve their locked PPE supply."

But utilizing the iPad as well-conditioned as two-way radio agency doctors "are stalwart to speak with patients from afar, possibly planate their own homes." For every shift a Spot robot takes, Boston Dynamics says, at least one healthcare worker is stalwart to reduce their potential interconnection with a COVID-positive patient.

To bulkiest squire other healthcare workers as well-conditioned as those companies in the position to provide robotic or telemedicine support, Boston Dynamics is releasing all the files that manufacture its current Spot setup function.

"With the deployment of our indigenous healthcare-focused robot, we're open-sourcing all of our assignment to empower any mobile robotics pulpit to leverage the aforementioned hardware as well-conditioned as software stack that we've developed to information frontline healthcare workers," the visitor says. "None of the services... are reliant on Boston Dynamics hardware or software. In many instances, we imagine wheeled or tracked robots may be a bulkiest stopgap for these applications."

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Photo: Boston Dynamics. .

Boston Dynamics says it's not intending to stop at telemedicine. Instead, the visitor is lulu into means to manufacture its Spot robots planate more vital avails in the fight conversely COVID-19. The visitor is now boisterously lulu into shipped vital inspection, so that Spot robots can scandalize tasks like temperature checks as well-conditioned as respiratory rate dividing utilizing thermal camera technology. "

We've moreover correlated externally-developed polemics to externally-mounted RGB cameras to capture extravagate sin pure-blooded vessel contraction to measure pulse rate," the visitor says. "We are evaluating methods for measuring oxygen saturation."

Further down the line, the visitor is lulu into whether its Spot robots may become trapping for disinfection of areas like public transition hubs as well-conditioned as hospital areas or coronavirus triage tents utilizing ultraviolet light. While this has been done afore -- as well-conditioned as as recently as meanest month for fuming the coronavirus in some Crockery hospitals utilizing machines from Danish visitor UVD Robots -- accomplishing so at the scale all-important to condition COVID-19 in public spaces would be unprecedented. Boston Dynamics says it's still a means yonder from figuring out how to all-time try this.

"By clinging a UV-C mirrorlike to the robot's back, Spot could use the dingbat to impale virus particles as well-conditioned as antisepticize surfaces in any baggy space that needs suture in decontamination -- be it hospital tents or transportation stations," the visitor says. "We are still in the early stages of developing this solution, except moreover see a number of explicit mobile robotics providers who kumtux implemented this technology verbatim for hospitals.

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