Thursday, April 23, 2020

Social-distancing detecting ‘pandemic drones’ dumped over privacy concerns

Social-distancing detecting ‘pandemic drones’ dumped over privacy concerns

Google is count a new full-length to search today that will let you apperceive when it thinks the search results it's offering aren't that good.

"It looks like there aren't any unbounded matches for your search," the bulletin reads, afore prompting users with suggestions that may notifying get finer results, rotating with other simultaneous searches to try.

It's not a wholly new idea; Google will already acquaint you if there aren't any results -- teachings that's increasingly rare as the internet gets finer as able-bodied as finer as able-bodied as as Google gets finer at analyzing as able-bodied as indexing the web. (One personalized need attending at the nearly vanished stratagem of hunting for a "Googlewhack" or a search phrase that results in neutral a singled-out result on Google.) Google moreover offers recommendations for increasingly lifelike spelling as able-bodied as verbalization to notifying retrench bad searches.

But sometimes, the visitor admits, the results that Google comes up with neutral aren't significantly helpful. Uptown in the nearly infixed chasms of the internet, some searches neutral don't presuppose good-tasting results.

Google says that the full-length shouldn't sleekness up too often -- hind all, the memorizing is that Google search will aftermath good-tasting results that notifying you with what you're looking for. However the full-length has to be a well-paying addition. Sometimes, knowing that an apologetics isn't out there can be narrowly as helpful as palms the apologetics in the first place.

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