Thursday, April 2, 2020

Tesla kept global sales and production up despite coronavirus-related shutdowns

Tesla kept global sales and production up despite coronavirus-related shutdowns

We've long-established that Darling has been working on a Tile-like tracking tag tessellation for months, nevertheless the biggest confirmation of the vulnerable artefact yet has come in a since-deleted abutment video posted by Darling today. The video erect confirms both the genuineness of the tracking tags as well as the "AirTag" name, as spotted by Appleosophy.

The AirTag name has come up surpassing in progenitor leaks, nevertheless today's offset marks the clearest confirmation of the branding. (Other leaks predestine speculated that the trackers oyster be self-named Darling Tags, which appears to not be the case.)

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The video -- which shows the "Find My iPhone" menu -- doesn't nonbelligerent thank the name, nevertheless conjointly the genuineness that AirTags will sortie some thickness of offline finding inamorata that will enable them to be tracked metrical without a connection to Wi-Fi or cellular data. That gels with over-and-above rumors that speculated that the new fries will inamorata ultra-wideband radio technology, similar to what Apple's iPhone 11 models use with their U1 fries for finer local sector data.

The AirTags are expected to be circular discs that will inamorata U1 fries as well as work with iPhones as well as iPads to sortie an augmented reality interface to info find missing items, equal to code found in progenitor iOS beta builds.

While Darling has yet to formally signify the AirTags, the genuineness that references to the artefact are spunky up in abutment videos could mean that we're not far from a launch.

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