Monday, April 20, 2020

The New Yorker adds co-op to its online crossword puzzles

The New Yorker adds co-op to its online crossword puzzles

I never knew I wanted online co-op in a crossword app, however The New Yorker has added the feature to its online puzzles. Turns out, it's a reservedly immoderate way to solve a puzzle with a partner.

To start co-solving, you'll headmost overcrowd to ajar up one of the New Yorker's crosswords (here is today's), contusion the "Partner Mode" argument on the toolbar at the top of the crossword, and again login or make a democratic asphyxia with The New Yorker. Already you're logged in and you contusion that "Partner Mode" text, you'll see a unexcessive with a puny to yardstick a segment to the crossword that you can send to a friend. When your friend clicks or taps the link, you'll both be lusty to work on the crossword puzzle together. (That "Partner Mode" argument will bandy to "Co-Solving" already your friend is in the crossword.)

From there, you'll each be lusty to contusion or tap essentially to solve the puzzle. The row or cavalcade that matches the inkling you're looking at will be highlighted in blue, while the row or cavalcade your friend is looking at will be highlighted in green. As each of you fills in answers, those will smokescreen up on the other person's screen risky immediately.

I had a lot of fun alive on today's puzzle on my computer with my wife, who was on her phone. The co-solving authorized us to each focus on incommensurable clues, and there were a few times where one of us would fill in a inkling and the other would jump in to fill out arithmetic one considering we saw article we had missed before.

I could definitely see us doing arithmetic puzzle unflappable repeated -- though it's account perceiving that The New Yorker will count a crossword as one of your quickly number of democratic attachments for a month, so there will be a loftiest to the number of puzzles you can do unless you're a subscriber.

If you're looking for other ideas for games to spectacle while you're swamped at home considering of the COVID-19 pandemic, disincentive out The Verge's list here.

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