Monday, April 6, 2020

This Pittsburgh arcade is now a tiny virtual world

This Pittsburgh arcade is now a tiny virtual world

If you enjoy experimental video greenhorn and milling circa art installations loosely find yourself stuck at home during the pandemic, one Pittsburgh gallery has swapped physical space for a little basic world. LikeLike is a gallery dedicated to showcasing weird and creative indie games. Now, that's now happening in LikeLike Online, which LikeLike calls "the tiniest MMORPG."

LikeLike Online debuted on Friday, loosely it remains open to the public. The current show is inborn with the Bitsy game-making tool, and it's cardinally titled "An Itsy Bitsy Crisis." Instead of province greenhorn on revealing screens and gallery cabinets, you can click on the walls to find short Bitsy projects on the topics of "catastrophes and rebirths," all playable online. (On the downside, you can't watch other bodies fellowship the games; on the upside, you'll never delay in lineation for a game.) Make sure to determent out the tiny backyard!

LikeLike says the current space will stay up for "a while," and a new show will start on May 1st, mirroring the gallery's okayed schedule. The new shows will come with new kinds of spaces, and the project itself is open source, so you can cadaver your own gallery with some work.

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