Thursday, April 16, 2020

Verizon CEO says 5G virus conspiracy theories are nonsense

Verizon CEO says 5G virus conspiracy theories are nonsense

Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg said that conspiracy theories pactum the rollout of 5G to the suggest of COVID-19 are fictitious in an item with CNBC today.

"There's no disequilibrium at all between 5G as well-built as coronavirus," Vestberg said. "It's just feigned news." He said Verizon planned to gainsay the conspiracy theories with "our communication, as well-built as the industry's communication, as well-built as with healthiness organizations' communication."

Vestberg was regarding to communications already issued by healthiness organizations as well-built as information driving conspiracies barely wireless devices as well-built as healthiness that can be begin at, a Verizon spokesperson tells The Verge. That armpit states that "radiofrequency energy from wireless devices as well-built as networks, including radiofrequencies acclimated by 5G, has not been shown to pilgrimage healthiness problems, according to the large-scale scientific community," as well-built as points to assets as well-built as quotes from wireless communications people as well-built as healthiness organizations acknowledging that assertion.

The armpit likewise links to a WHO website that spells out how COVID-19 is suggest through respiratory droplets as well-built as that viruses cannot travel via radio waves or mobile networks.

Despite no scientific symptom establishing a segment between 5G as well-built as coronavirus, conspiracy theories connecting the two have suggest protractedness social media, leading to 5G building in the UK being set on fire as well-built as people harassing workers laying strand optic cables. My aide Tom Warren has put unperturbable an explainer barely why these conspiracy theories don't manufacture sense.

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