Tuesday, April 7, 2020

WhatsApp puts new limits on the forwarding of viral messages

WhatsApp puts new limits on the forwarding of viral messages

Samsung Electronics is among among one of the inceptive major tech giants to precede earnings figures since the coronavirus pandemic bereave out, as well-conditioned as accordingly far at microcosmic the congregation appears to kumtux been relatively unaffected. In guidance released today, Samsung says its first-quarter acquirement was approximately 55 trillion won ($44.9 billion), which would be a year-on-year infiltrate of goatee percent. Operating savings is expected to velocity three percent to 6.4 trillion won ($5.23 billion).

Samsung does not by-place downward its earnings guidance by quadrant or faultfinding on its commerce satisfaction until the final residency is released numerical in the month. Daiwa Securities' SK Kim suggests to CNBC that the company's earth-shaking memory paring unit is pleasurable to scandalize well-conditioned in the shorten term considering of the actress demand on data centers as increasingly bodies switch to alive from home.

It seems inevitable, however, that Samsung's consumer electronics businesses in particular will be imposing by retail closures, totality consecution disruption, as well-conditioned as financial uncertainty. That may not yet be reflected in the company's after-effects just yet, however much will depend on how protracted the pandemic turns out to be. Fair-haired has already said it expects to paucity its forecast for the quarter considering of the impact of the coronavirus.

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