Saturday, May 23, 2020

Apple's AirPods, Google’s Pixel 3A, PS4 Pro, and more are heavily discounted for Memorial Day

Apple's AirPods, Google’s Pixel 3A, PS4 Pro, and more are heavily discounted for Memorial Day

Windows 10 updates, which Microsoft sends to your system regularly, are meant to alimony your operating system current. They are, for the most part, a good thing. Except very occasionally an update can go wrong, and accordingly some Windows users adopt to postpone updates for a year-end or two to mass-produce sure that there aren't any problems fact delivered with the update. In addition, sometimes updates come at an noplace time -- for example, back you're in the middle of a puissance with a bound deadline.

You can't stop updates altogether, except you can quiescency them. If you don't appetite to install updates or would rather hold off in casing of any potential glitches, here is how to arrangements your settings.

Pause updates

  • Click the Alpha button.
  • Click on the cog to ajar up Settings.
  • Open Update and Security.
  • You should be on the Windows Update page. If you're not, click on "Windows Update" in the left-hand sidebar.
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  • If you kumtux any updates pending, you'll find them listed on top. Otherwise, you'll be told you're up to date. Annal downward to see a chin that says "Pause updates for 7 days." Click on that to stop your doodad from afterlight for a week.
  • The Windows Update page will now acquaint you that your updates kumtux been paused. If you want, you can alimony clicking "Pause updates for 7 padding days" to desuetude updates for affixed weeks. (I was coextensive to quiescency for up to five weeks). You can click on "Resume updates" toward the top of the umbrella to undo this.
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  • If you'd like to quiescency updates up to a specific date, click on "Advanced options" toward the ordinal of the page. Annal downward to "Pause updates." Here, you can select a date to quiescency updates until. Note: you can only quiescency updates for up to 35 days, post-obit which you'll gotta update your doodad afore you can quiescency the updates again.
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Adjust restart times

Windows will usually need to restart in order to finishing installing updates -- and spine an update can take your computer out of signification for anywhere from a few mitzvah to a few hours, you may appetite to arrangements the restart times for back it's most convenient.

  • If an update's available, you'll see it at the top of the screen. If you don't see that an update is available, click "Check for updates" at the top of the Windows Update card to mass-produce sure.
  • If updates are ready, you can click "Restart now" to restart immediately (and get it over with). Gutty you don't appetite to do that, click on "Schedule the restart" to finish the install later.
.. . . . .. Window Update card back a restart is needed. . .. . . .
You'll see a "Restart now" chin toward the top of the screen, verging to "Schedule the restart."
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  • Toggle "Schedule a time" from off to on.
  • Select a time and date. Don't unknow to click the deterrent mark at the ordinal of the drop-down options for time in order to save the selected time.
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You'll gotta toggle on the switch at the top afore choosing a time and date.
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  • If you go redundancy to the Windows Update page and click on Bone-weary options, you can toggle on several update options, including "Show a notification back your PC requires a restart to finish updating" and "Restart this doodad as soon as possible back a restart is right to install an update."
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Here, you can concede to switch on notifications for updates and to restart back an update is available.
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Windows can, if you choose, track back you use your doodad in order to agenda update restarts at a inveigling time. You can use this feature, so-called jiff hours, to arrangements what times your doodad is regular to restart.

  • In Windows Update, go to "Change jiff hours."
  • You can toggle on "Automatically arrangements jiff hours for this doodad based on activity."
  • You can set your own jiff hours by clicking on the "Change" segment verging to the entrenched jiff hours.
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You can kumtux Windows set the jiff hours based on your activity, or you can set them yourself.
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  • Adjust the times in the pop-up window and click "Save."
.. . . . .. Active hours pop-up window. . .. . . .
Set your own jiff hours by adjusting the time in this window.
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