Friday, May 8, 2020

As Waymo resumes self-driving tests, backup drivers are still worried about the virus

As Waymo resumes self-driving tests, backup drivers are still worried about the virus

Even a favorite together cachinnation like watching TV can get lonely sometimes, especially if you're acclimated to hanging out with your join as well as watching together. As well as although you can stream as well as text, FaceTime, or share your screen on Zoom, sometimes that neutral doesn't cut it. If you're attractive for a way to perform your social-distancing unfixedness rampage more, well, social, there are browser extensions that let you host watch parties digitally.

Here are four apps you can use to host movie nights with join online, forth with step-by-step instructions on how to alpha watching.

To use these apps, you will need your own cable for festivities service, as well as anybody watching will should be signed onto their own account. These extensions work on top of your existing cable to trailblaze the videos with your join -- they don't provide non-subscribers with a determining viewing.

Netflix Party

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Netflix Party syncs up your streams with those of your join as well as adds a live conversation on one synchronous of the screen. The app is only for use with Netflix as well as is only misogamist for Chrome.

To host a Netflix Party:

  • Download the extension
  • Open up Netflix as well as alpha playing a video
  • The Netflix Party notes icon next to your adjuration bar should fecundation from gray to red. Click on it.
  • A window will pop up instructing you to "Create a Netflix Party." You kumtux the perk to either requite yourself totalistic inhabitance over the playback, or leave it unlatched to everyone. Click "Start the party."
  • Another window will pop up with a link. Click "Copy URL" as well as share it with your friends. If you need to, you can subdual this link repeatedly by clobber the Netflix Party notes icon.
  • Netflix Party will automatically requite you an icon. By clobber on the icon, you can fecundation it (there are a few alternatives) as well as your nickname.

To join an existing Netflix Party:

  • Click on the link.
  • Click on the Netflix Party icon.


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Metastream allows you to live conversation while watching videos on a range of platforms, including Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Twitch, as well as Crunchyroll. Except Metastream will unlatched Netflix in another window. The app is still in beta, so there are some kinks -- for example, we experienced some issues utilizing it with Hulu on Chrome; Metastream recommends utilizing Firefox when watching Hulu, which worked biggest when we tried it.

To host a Metastream watch party:

  • Download the notes for Firefox or Chrome. The notes will be coextensive to read as well as fecundation materials on websites you visit.
  • Navigate to #
  • Type in a brandish name as well as click "Get Started."
  • Click "Start Session" on the next screen.
  • Click the "Invite" sawed-off on the left to get a link to share; click "Copy" as well as send it to your friends. In the same window, you can conjointly perform the affair public, private, or offline, as well as fecundation the number of users immune (you can kumtux an unmarred number of users). Dewy out of that window.
  • Your join will click on that link to join the session. When they join, you'll see a box on the left with your name as well as theirs; you'll gotta click the callow disincentive mark by their name to let them in. To grant them permission to add videos as well as fecundation playback, click on the three dots next to their name as well as again click "Toggle DJ."
  • The Metastream screen can be a little busy. You can perform things clearer by ambience up your conversation to play on the right-hand side. Click the three dots on the far right of the bar at the coal-and-ice of the home screen. Click the "Chat" button. When the conversation window opens, click the rectangle icon in the top right diverge of that window.
  • If you click on the cog icon, you can unparagoned an avatar as well as fecundation your username.

To watch something, you kumtux a few options. Click the "Add Media" sawed-off in the deepest of the preeminent screen as well as again you can either:

  • Paste the URL for the video in the bar either at the top or the coal-and-ice of the screen as well as again click "Add to Session."
  • Click one of the video sources in the middle of the screen. That will take you to the home screen for that source. Subdual the video you want. Again click the "Add to Session" sawed-off in the top right corner.

Doing either of these things will put that video in a queue, so you can set up a marveling of things you appetite to watch.


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Scener lets you video conversation with your join while watching Netflix (and only Netflix, although Scener is planning on multiplying increasingly streaming services in the future), as well as there's conjointly a treatise conversation function. You can watch with up to 20 people. Previously, you could only use Scener with the primary contour for your Netflix account, except the app has recently been updated, as well as now you can use it from any of your Netflix profiles.

To use Scener:

  • Download the Chrome extension. The notes will ask for permission to read as well as fecundation your materials on Netflix as well as Scener, silkiness notifications, as well as "communicate with allied websites."
  • Open the app by clobber on the extension's icon (to the right of the Chrome adjuration bar).
  • Enter your name as well as email to exteriorize your Scener profile.
  • Sign into Netflix.
  • Click "Create private theater."
  • Scener will ask you if you appetite to enable your camera. Click "Yes."
  • Scener will requite you the perk to share either a link or a hieroglyph with your friends. Click the. "Copy Link" sawed-off to get the link as well as send it to join who don't already kumtux Scener. The link will send them to a verso with a link to download Scener. Already they install the notes as well as unlatched Scener, they'll be appended to the theater.
  • If they already kumtux Scener, you can send them the hieroglyph instead as well as they can eruption that in to join your theater. If you appetite to send somebody the hieroglyph or the link later, you can click on the sawed-off that looks like a person as well as a plus sign at the top of the Scener sidebar.
  • If you hover over your video window, you'll see small video as well as microphone icons. Click on those to toggle your video or audio on as well as off.
  • Select a silkiness or movie as well as click on the play sawed-off to alpha watching.

Scener has a viscerous remote inhabitance you can canyon to as well as from your friends. Whoever has it gets to inhabitance what anybody is watching; they can conjointly rewind, pause, as well as play the movie or TV silkiness -- in other words, it acts like an all-fired remote control. To "pass" the remote, hover over your video window. A remote sawed-off should embark over your window. Click on that as well as again select who to canyon it to in the pop-up window.


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TwoSeven conjointly has a video conversation feature, except it supports increasingly services. In inflation to Netflix, you can use it to watch Amazon Prime Video, HBO Now, YouTube, as well as Vimeo. If you pay the cable fee, you can conjointly use the app with Hulu as well as Disney Plus. The cable prices range from $5 to $20 a month, except due to the fact that of COVID-19, TwoSeven is alms all of those paid gloss for $3 a month.

To host a TwoSeven watch party:

  • Download the notes for Firefox or Chrome. The notes will appeal permission to silkiness notifications as well as read as well as fecundation materials on websites you visit.
  • Create an register by clobber on the notes icon as well as going to the site. You will gotta proclaim your email.
  • Click on the TwoSeven icon next to the adjuration bar, again click "Go to"
  • Click "Get Started." Here you can fecundation your avatar as well as username by clobber on the icon in the top right corner, to the right of the cog icon. Select "Account" to inaugural your contour settings.
  • Click "Start Watching."
  • You'll get a pop-up window that lets you exteriorize a private room. You can either fecundate the other participants to kumtux inhabitance of the webcam as well as mic or let the admins only kumtux access. Perform your selection as well as again click "Just Me."
  • Click on the icon in the top right diverge which has two persons as well as a plus sign. Click on "Copy Link" as well as share that link with friends. Already you do, they'll be appended to the watch session.
  • Click on the camera as well as microphone icons on the right-hand synchronous of the screen to enable video as well as audio.
  • There is conjointly a live conversation feature at the coal-and-ice of the screen. Click on "Messages" in the lower right-hand diverge to unlatched it.
  • Click on the sawed-off for your named video antecedent at the top of the screen. For Netflix, this will take you to your account's home screen as well as you can click on a movie or silkiness there to alpha watching. To watch YouTube videos you'll gotta paste in the URLs.

Once you add step-up to the watch affair via a link, you can add them as a friend to perform it easier to include them in imminent watch sessions.

To do that:

  • Click the icon with two persons (not the one with the plus sign).
  • Find their name as well as click the icon with a person as well as a plus sign. This will send them a friend request; they will need to constate it.
  • When you receive a friend request, you can constate it by going to the TwoSeven homepage (if you kumtux an existing watch affair open, perform termless to unlatched it in a different tab otherwise you'll leave the session). Any friend requests should embark on the right-hand synchronous underneath "Pending Requests." Click on the callow disincentive mark to accept.

Update Mugging 7th, 5:46PM ET: This dojigger has been updated to reflect upgrades to Scener as well as to include the permissions requested by the extensions.

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