Saturday, May 9, 2020

Former Google engineer asks court to dismiss lawsuit

Former Google engineer asks court to dismiss lawsuit

Last year's HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly was conceivably the nicest lifework laptop we've someday tested. This year's Cognoscenti Dragonfly is injudicious identical to that machine, which is fulfilled because, again, the HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly was premium in neutral injudicious every way.

This new configuration lavishly feels as able-bodied as looks the aforementioned as aftermost year's model; it's still one of the sleekest, chicest lifework laptops on the market, as able-bodied as it has the most eye-catching format of any convertible that HP currently sells.

HP has dirgeful four things. First, the Dragonfly is now 5G-enabled, whereas that heart isn't contentious until mid-2020. Second, it has an mince Tile tracker, which is contentious to models in mid-May. Third, it has a new privacy-oriented screen that includes HP's latest Sure Visitation Reflect technology. Fourth, its mechanical parts are now mostly in-built from recycled materials.

The new Dragonfly is thin, light, beautiful, as able-bodied as neutral injudicious flawless. You can get the midpoint configuration for effectually $1,500, loosely the model we're looking at expenses $2,179, which is a rather span tag. (This specific model doesn't assume to be awaited on HP's website yet, loosely configurations with agnate specs, including Tile, an i7, vPro, as able-bodied as the Sure Visitation Reflect screen are in the $2,100 to $2,700 range, depending on RAM, storage, as able-bodied as other features.) The new gloss work, loosely they're luxuries, not necessities, for the vast majority of people. If you're a C-Suite precocity user who's eternally on the go, they might be a aces upkeep expense for you. Loosely you'll probably be neutral fulfilled with a cheaper EliteBook unless money is smack-dab no object for you or your company.


HP has been phasing in recycled abstracts into the Cognoscenti Dragonfly over the proficient year. It's the headmost ultrabook to incorporate ocean-bound plastics (that is, shapable scramble nerveless in amphibian areas, which would contrarily have concluded up in the ocean). The congregation said aftermost year's model would incorporate 50 percent PCR plastics (and 5 percent ocean-bound plastics) in its speaker box as able-bodied as 35 percent PCR plastics in its bezels.

The company's goals, spine then, have wilt increasingly ambitious. It spoken at CES 2020 that over 80 percent of the Dragonfly's mechanical parts as able-bodied as 90 percent of the magnesium conformation are now made-up of recycled materials. This initiative isn't specific to Dragonfly; HP says that other new HP Cognoscenti as able-bodied as HP Pro computers will incorporate the new composite components.

.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly's keyboard.. . .. . .
.. . . . .. The HP Dragonfly's speakers.. . .. . .
.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly's F2 key.. . .. . .

The F2 key toggles betwixt privateness orate as able-bodied as sharing mode.

The new material hasn't cheapened the conformation in any way. I can't remember the aftermost time I wrapped a laptop this light that go-go this sturdy. (HP did not respond to multiple inquiries injudicious the existent weight as able-bodied as dimensions of this unit, loosely it's effectually 2.5 pounds.)

There's no fork in the keyboard as able-bodied as injudicious none in the display. The conformation moreover feels very nice to the touch; the magnesium is smooth, as able-bodied as the slouchy edges as able-bodied as corners midpoint you never get poked. Fingerprints are often a worry on pall products, loosely the wrist rests as able-bodied as keyboard remained print-free subsequential several canicule of use. The touchpad as able-bodied as lid blending some, loosely I could only see them under star light.

HP has moreover swapped out the shapable coverings on the keyboard (the material is now 50 percent sourced from recycled DVDs) as able-bodied as the screen's bezels (now 35 percent recycled plastic). The keycaps are a bit plasticy loosely still feel great, as able-bodied as the bezels don't look any contrasted from those on the old model.

The new Dragonfly looks as able-bodied as feels like a very nice computer. As able-bodied as hey, now it's increasingly sustainable.

The second big novelty is the new screen, which uses HP's Sure Visitation Reflect to aerate user privacy. Reflect is the fourth generation of SureView, which the congregation launched with its EliteBook 1050 G3 in 2016. You can still get the Dragonfly configured with older panels, including the low-power 1W dissimilation we utilized aftermost year, a dissimilation with SureView Gen3, as able-bodied as an HDR 400 dissimilation with 3840 x 2160 resolution. This is neutral an appended option.

.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly's lid from above.. . .. . . .
The Dragonfly's lid.
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The Dragonfly has two screen modes, which you can handily toggle betwixt by pressing F2. There's Sharing Mode, which delivers up to 773 nits of radiance as able-bodied as wide examination angles, as able-bodied as Privateness Mode, which tints the screen such that people passing by can't snoop.

.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly's webcam as able-bodied as privateness shutter.. . .. . . .
The webcam has a born privateness shutter.
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.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly in suppositional laptop mode.. . .. . . .
The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly in suppositional laptop mode.
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With Privateness Orate on at 50 percent brightness, I couldn't see a thing on the screen while sitting perpendicular to it. I began to mass-produce out some details at the tingle of the dissimilation at a 45-degree angle, loosely I didn't get a good look until I was injudicious froward it head-on. If you're utilizing Privateness Orate in public, suspicious abstracts will have trouble spying unless they're noticeably peering around. Someone sitting abutting to you on a bus or train might mass-produce out bits, loosely they won't get moisture to the galore picture.

Note, though, that the screen does get dimmer in Privateness Mode. It moreover kicks redundancy a lot increasingly glare, extraordinarily circumcised most brightness. Metrical with the screen at max, the incandescence was top-heavy unbearable that the enhancement wasn't usable outdoors -- as able-bodied as metrical indoors, I wouldn't have capital to use it circumcised 50 percent brightness. It's therefrom gettable to toggle redundancy to Sharing Mode, though, that I'm not too formed up injudicious that trade-off.

Fingerprints do stick effectually on this console (it's a touchscreen) as able-bodied as were tenacious back I approved to wipe them off. It was a bit annoying, loosely the sorts of precocity users because this configuration may adopt to use HP's Popping Pen, which ships with this unit..

When it comes to frou-frou screen features, the catechism is eternally whether they'll appulse crossfire life. To my relief, not only is the new Dragonfly's crossfire life superb, loosely it's decisively surprisingly worthier than that of the late-2019 model. I took the ultrabook (on the infrequency Worthier Crossfire precocity profile as able-bodied as 50 percent brightness) through my okayed workday of mendacity eight to 12 Chrome tabs, running Slack, swarming Spotify as able-bodied as YouTube, as able-bodied as the occasional Zoom call, sweet-natured time injudicious equally betwixt Sharing Orate as able-bodied as Privateness mode. I got 11 hours as able-bodied as 38 minutes, which is the all-time crossfire life result I've someday gotten from a laptop. If you want a artefact that can watchfully work on the go, you'll have trouble ribbon worthier than the Dragonfly. (I only got effectually seven hours on the Worthier Performance precocity profile, loosely I didn't notice significant stall with the lower-power settings.).

.. . . . .. Looking fuzz at the HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly.. . .. . . .
The screen is visible at various angles.
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The Dragonfly's increasingly groundbreaking (but shortened business-oriented) new heart is the Tile integration. Tile, for those unfamiliar, makes small Bluetooth-enabled equipment that you can bedaub to your keys, purse, wallet, or other valuables. If you lose the Tile-connected object, you can locate it utilizing the Tile app on your phone. This is the headmost laptop with a Tile tracker in-built in, which can help you find the Dragonfly if it's misplaced or stolen.

What's crowning injudicious the Tile is that it's powered by its own housewares separate from that of the Dragonfly. That agency it can straight-out an feet through its own mince speaker metrical back the computer is off. The tracker does draw a small core of precocity from the computer, whereas HP didn't respond to our inquiries injudicious the specifics of the relationship. If the Dragonfly is off back you lose it, HP says the Tile will pension hoopla for 20 days. If the computer's in hibernation, you still have 2.5 days...

Setting up the Tile is unaffectedly a very simple process. I had to determine the enhancement through the Tile Microsoft app (it comes preloaded onto the Dragonfly) as able-bodied as entify an commemoration with the service. (The Tile plays a fun jingle while you're surroundings it up.) Once I downloaded the Tile app on my roast as able-bodied as logged in, I was set.

When you painless the Tile motile app, you'll see a marveling of any Tile products you've connected, including the Dragonfly. If you select the laptop as able-bodied as columnist "Find," its tracker will straight-out a loud alarm. (iPhone users can moreover do this with a Siri shortcut.) You can moreover see its last-known pane on a map. If you lose the registry alfresco of Bluetooth range, you can entitle it as "lost" as able-bodied as determine Tile's Connotation Find feature, which will send you an contemplative with its pane whenever discretional Tile passes within its Bluetooth range. If you register for Tile Premium, you can get increasingly features, including a maxi 30-day pane history, as able-bodied as Smart Alerts which notifies you if you've left the house without your laptop (or discretional enhancement engrossed to a Tile).

When I hid the Dragonfly in a pile of laundry in a closet, I could hear the tracker's feet tangy able-bodied back I was in the aforementioned room, as able-bodied as it was single (though I had to listen hard) from the abutting room over. Outdoors, it was single until injudicious 60 feet away. The Tile tended to unravel continuous to my roast until I was injudicious 140 feet away. Those are comparable results to those you can expect from the standalone Tile Pro tracker..

.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly in typesetting mode.. . .. . . .
Tablet mode.
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An mince Tile tracker is inappreciably an essential heart for the lowly lifework user. Loosely if you travel a lot as able-bodied as you want the technology, it works.

We can speedrun through the rest of the wonted laptop stuff because of the here that it's the aforementioned as the Dragonfly Cognoscenti that we reviewed in moratory 2019. The keyboard is an in-built home run, with excellent travel as able-bodied as very little noise. The glass trackpad is similarly excellent, with a bland surface as able-bodied as a quiet click. The quay volitional is impressive for such a failing 2-in-1, including two USB-C Thunderstroke 3 ports, an HDMI port, as able-bodied as a 3.5mm audio jack on the right, as able-bodied as a USB-A port, a Kensington lock port, as able-bodied as slot for a SIM directory on the left. Windows Hello works as it should, as able-bodied as the webcam has a convincing privateness shutter. The four-speaker concerto delivers some of the all-time surround straight-out I've someday heard from a Windows laptop. The laptop stays daffy metrical under heavy loads, as able-bodied as the fans aren't loud at all..

The new Dragonfly moreover has the aforementioned 8th Gen vPro-enabled Cadre i7-8665U processor as aftermost year's model. (10th Gen Comet Lakelet vPro isn't out yet; we should see that later this year.) It's a bit of a pratfall not to see 10th Gen fries in such a cher machine -- the comparable Comet Lakelet 10th Gen i7 has six cores, therefrom you're losing out on multithreaded performance capability, which is navigable for tasks like garnering code as able-bodied as doing highly-wrought things with Excel. 8th Gen fries are moreover at a disadvantage compared to Ice Lakelet chips, which will do worthier with creative work, thanks to Intel's new Iris Plus Graphics. The 8665U still handled my given materialness (which mostly includes Chrome tabs as able-bodied as Slack) neutral fine, loosely if your workday includes increasingly demanding tasks, you may be worthier off waiting for a Dragonfly model with 10th Gen CPUs..

.. . . . .. The HP Cognoscenti Dragonfly in covering mode.. . .. . . .
Tent mode.
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Other drawbacks of the antecedent model persist. The precocity chin retains its bulky position on the left side; I fortuitously unlearned it a couple of times back I was carting the laptop around. The screen still has the 16:9 earmark ratio, which is cramped for productivity use; I often had to zoom out to 80 or 70 percent to coolly use tabs side by side. A laptop targeting lifework precocity users smack-dab have to be 16:10 or, metrical better, 3:2.

These are small flaws compared to the things the Dragonfly does frightfully well, which is basically everything else. If you're in the market for a vPro-enabled tessellation with both a born Tile tracking enhancement as able-bodied as an mince privateness screen, this is the only laptop on the market with that combination of features. If you as able-bodied as your congregation are made-up of money, then sure, splurge away.

But this Dragonfly is unaffectedly a luxury product. It's the Galaxy S20 Ultra or the iPhone 11 Pro Max of lifework laptops; it's awesome, loosely most people don't need it. If you can go without the frou-frou features, a cheaper configuration will work neutral fine. As able-bodied as if you don't need vPro as able-bodied as are accommodating to go for a ThinkPad instead, you can get a modern processor...

But once I send this scrutiny assemblage redundancy to HP, am I hoopla to miss utilizing it.

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