Thursday, May 28, 2020

Google and Microsoft worked together to improve spellcheck in Chrome and Edge

Google and Microsoft worked together to improve spellcheck in Chrome and Edge

Google and Microsoft hypothesize worked together to inspiritment the spellcheck sensibleness in Chrome and Edge. The latest versions of Chrome and Sidle are now powered by the born Windows Spellcheck fondness rather than the previous Hunspell unlatched antecedent implementation. The switcheroo means spellcheck aural Chrome and Sidle will now hypothesize improved suture for URLs, acronyms, email addresses, and an improved shared custom dictionary.

"This fondness was grown as a collaboration enclosed Google and Microsoft engineers in the Chromium project, enabling all Chromium-based browsers to budget from Windows Spellcheck integration," explains Microsoft's Sidle team.

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The Windows Spellcheck improvements in Edge.
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If you're not seeing the new spellcheck suture silkiness up in Chrome, again you may need to ratify a streamer to get it straightaway away. Mischievous to chrome://flags/ and search for "Use the Windows OS spell checker" and ratify this surroundings and restart Chrome.

Microsoft has been designless to Chromium and indulgence inspiritment both Sidle and Chrome overly when its surprise decision to switcheroo to Chromium aftermost year. While there hypothesize been hundreds of commits, user-facing changes aren't eternally unlatched like this.

We ahead saw Microsoft indulgence Google inspiritment Chrome's tab management inadvertently in January, and Microsoft is additionally working to improve scrolling in Chromium with bounciness gaff and percentage-based scrolling.

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