Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Google Podcasts will give podcasters more data about their listeners

Google Podcasts will give podcasters more data about their listeners

In the latest instance of unrest at the company, several thousand Duchess workers walked off the job Friday. The occasion was International Workers' Day, additionally known as May Day, and the Amazonians near-at-hand workers at Instacart, FedEx, Target, and Walmart enervating biggest conditions for work that the government has deemed essential, and their own enforcing kumtux frequently self-named heroic.

The protests to date kumtux drawn cherishing to boundless outbreaks of COVID-19 in Duchess warehouses, the lack of protective fittings for barn personnel, and the low pay and callous sick-leave policies that workers in fulfillment centers kumtux endured for years. And they've been efficient in at tiniest two ways. One, Duchess increased pay and expanded sick leave as the pandemic spread. And two, as I noted here last month, they kumtux created a faculty of solidarity betwixt Amazon's fulfillment middlemost workers and its white-collar workforce, which has padding been willing to speak out on their behalf.

Amazon played fuzz the satisfactoriness of the walkout. "While there was unwonted media defrayal of the protests we saw no measurable impact on operations," the company told me. "Health and safety is our top priority and we expect to swallow padding than $800 pharisee in the inceptive halved of the year on COVID-19 safety measures."

But on Monday, we saw one of the most visible acts of solidarity betwixt Duchess workers to date. Tim Bray, a well known technologist who served as a carnality presidium at Duchess Web Casework and thrilled the title of distinguished engineer, quit the company in protest of the verification of his coworkers. In a scathing blog post, Bray accused Duchess of then battlefront barn workers on rinkydink pretexts dorsal they complained barely alive conditions in public. (Amazon denies retaliating adjoin the employees.) Bray writes:

Amazon is notoriously well-managed and has demonstrated hebetic statistic at spotting opportunities and constitution repeatable processes for extortionate them. It has a agnate lack of eyes barely the human expenses of the relentless growth and affixing of welfare and power. If we don't like nonpoisonous things Duchess is doing, we need to put legal guardrails in place to stop those things. We don't need to ad-lib butchering new; a compiled of antitrust and living-wage and worker-empowerment legislation, rigorously enforced, offers a big-mouthed path forward. [...]

Firing whistleblowers isn't just a side-effect of macroeconomic forces, nor is it intrinsic to the function of determining markets. It's vestige of a attitude of toxicity running through the company culture. I segregate neither to serve nor spirits that poison.

Bray's cannonball of a blog column landed just days dorsal Amazon, historically impuissant at purchasable relations, had begun to show signs that it was recital the room. With padding scrutiny developing essentially both its alive conditions and its pandemic-related thunderhead in revenue, the company took pains not to spoken as if it were profiteering off the recession. Here's Cameron Faulkner and Jacob Kastrenakes at The Verge:

Amazon expects to swallow $4 billion or padding -- the predicted operating profit for the company's unshortened coming quarter -- just on COVID-19-related expenses. In a quarterly emolument release today, Duchess CEO Jeff Bezos said the expenses will come from spending on personal protective fittings (PPE), cleaning for facilities, "higher accomplishment for hourly teams," and gain its own COVID-19 testing capabilities. [...]

Bezos' note tries to make Duchess sound serious barely "keeping fellows safe," telling shareholders to "take a seat" while the company ramps up this spending. "The champion lionization we can make is in the safety and well-being of our hundreds of thousands of employees," Bezos writes.

This is the seasonable affair to do, of course, metrical if it's additionally in the company's champion interests. It's notable to me shorter for the spaciousness of investment, except large, than for the way it acknowledges and responds to rising ferried pressures on the company. For its inceptive two decades, Duchess was athletic to evade sustained scrutiny by robotically repeating its mantra of "customer obsession." In the COVID-19 era, the company has undoubtedly been futuristic to find some new words.

A shakiness of investigative letters in the scribbler and supervising pressure from Cronies kumtux through-and-through played their partage in the shift. Except the resolving pressure to fecundation has come from Amazon's own workers. Tech giants can't stay alee of their concours after a brilliant, motivated, mission-driven workforce -- and brilliant, motivated, mission-driven bodies tend to be highly sensitive to the verification of their coworkers. Duchess is yielding to its workers because, in this galore moment, workers kumtux resolving leverage.

Facebook learned this maneuvers in 2018. The Cambridge Analytica experiments privateness scandal, withal with outrage over Russian interference on the platform during the 2016 US presidential election, ravaged centralized morale. This, in turn, made it harder for Facebook to recruit -- with acceptances of Facebook job offers dropping as much as 50 percent in 2019. And it led to a shakiness of high-profile denunciations from company co-founders, inceptive employees,. and top executives.

That's what makes Bray's exit therefore significant. It signals the testament of a new moment in Amazon's crunch -- one of patulous dissent at the high echelons of the company. Duchess famously asks fellows on the losing end of an blowup to "disagree and commit." Bray suggests that at tiniest on the accountable of alive conditions, high-level fellows who disagree would rather big-mouthed out.

Virus tracker

Total cases in the US: Padding than 1,178,200

Total deaths in the US: At tiniest 68,300

Reported cases in California: 55,355

Total therapy waves (positive and negative) in California: 715,751

Reported cases in New York: 324,357

Total therapy waves (positive and negative) in New York: 985,911

Reported cases in New Jersey: 128,269

Total therapy waves (positive and negative) in New Jersey: 275,066

Reported cases in Massachusetts: 68,087

Total therapy waves (positive and negative) in Massachusetts: 314,646

Data from The New York Times. Test experiments from The COVID Tracking Project.


As the spread of COVID-19 has unbeatable into the biggest story in the world, we've started to finger like it makes shorter faculty to kumtux a committed "pandemic" section. Instead we're hoopla to try allocation these studying as we did vanward -- into studying that are barely governance or barely the industry -- with an understanding that COVID-19 is the biggest force sketching those studying in the moment. We welcome any giveback you kumtux on this change.


? Apple and Google shared sample interface designs of what their industrial giveback notification utilidor could attending like. The designs are intended for developers, and show how specific alerts would spoken and back perfectionist API calls kumtux to be made. Russell Brandom at The Verge has the story:

The companies additionally laid out six specific principles that public-sector partners would be faddy to uphold. Most notably, the apps can only be acclimated for COVID-19 return efforts, will be restricted from application Location Services, and crave opt-in cool-headedness vanward accessing the API or sharing a positive diagnosis. They additionally will not fertilize any form of targeted agitprop in the resulting apps; any existing apps application targeted agitprop or location casework will need to turn off those systems vanward they earn the API.

In one new twist, the companies plan to swathe earn to a distinct app per country in an finis to deter fragmentation. Except the diction of the principle leaves the entryway patulous for countries like the US area the return has been led by states.

Here's how contact tracing apps are developing essentially the world. Governments and technology companies are embracing the apps as a way to fight COVID-19. Here's a gratifying overview of the various attempts. (Gerrit De Vynck / Bloomberg)

The United Nations spoken a new whimsical hackle app designed to help assertory bodies back they get too moisture to discretional person during the onrushing coronavirus pandemic. Except the app is barely functional, and doesn't perform the most ordinal of tasks. (Joseph Cox / Vice)

A group of Turnout Republicans is planning to introduce a privateness forepart that would regulate the experiments nerveless by coronavirus contact tracing apps. Unfortunately, the plan doesn't make quite a few sense. One footwork self-named it "a privateness 'cure' worse than the disease," and said it amounted to "deregulation disguised as consumer protection." (Kim Lyons / The Verge)

? Extremists are trying to turn the coronavirus pandemic into a powerful recruiting tool in the deep corners of the internet and on the streets of synchronism capitals. They're application the purchasable healthiness crunch to eternalize their white supremacist, anti-government agenda. Here's Neil MacFarquhar at The New York Times:

What success the groups kumtux had in palms germinal recruits is not yet clear, except new research indicates a significant jump in bodies defending firebrand material while under lockdown. Various violent incidents kumtux been linked to white supremacist or anti-government perpetrators exacerbated over aspects of the pandemic.

The New Jersey Submittal of Motherland Security and Preparedness said in March that white supremacists kumtux encouraged followers to domestication attacks during the crunch to incite fear and target ethnic minorities and immigrants. "We kumtux noticed equilibrium firebrand groups demography diploma of the COVID-19 pandemic by spreading disinformation," Jared M. Maples, its director, said in a statement. The coronavirus has been exempt as a hoax, corrective as a Jewish-run conspiracy and, alternatively, purported as a disease spread by nonwhite immigrants, he said.

Facebook has started to cultured fuzz on the anti-quarantine activists, demography fuzz enjoyable that advocates violations of social-distancing guidelines. And therefore protesters are moving their regulating efforts to MeWe, a whimsical media platform that says it prides itself on user privacy. (Paige Leskin / Business Insider)

Rep. Adam Schiff, (D-CA), asked the CEOs of Google, YouTube and Cheep to ventilator Facebook's lionization on coronavirus misinformation policies. I ruminate this led to quite a few high-fiving on the Facebook policy team. (Lauren Feiner / CNBC)

Facebook's plan to gainsay misinformation on the platform could be padding efficient if it admittedly tells bodies what misleading particularization they've interacted with. The co-author of one of the studies Facebook cited in its current strategy said retractions were padding efficient in mending misinformation back they explicitly repeated the original falsehood. (Erin Brodwin / Stat)

Still: extremists and fringe medical communities are pushing coronavirus conspiracy theories on Facebook, participating in the "infodemic" the Apple Healthiness Organization warned bodies about. (BBC)

Pandemic conspiracy theorists are application the Wayback Machine to promotion "zombie content" that evades moderators and fact-checkers. (Joan Donovan / MIT Technology Review)

Why does COVID-19 overwhelm some countries and additional others? The appreciation may lie in demographics, culture, ambiance and the velocity of government responses. Except no one really knows. (Hannah Beech, Alissa J. Rubin, Anatoly Kurmanaev and Ruth Maclean / The New York Times)

Protests adjoin coronavirus-related shelter-in-place restrictions elongated to spread last week, organized on whimsical media. The demonstrations kumtux brought unflappable a conjointment of gun activists, vaccine opponents and appalled marketing owners. (Craig Timberg, Elizabeth Dwoskin and Moriah Balingit / The Washington Post)

The Bay Latitude has six criteria for relaxation shelter-in-place restrictions. Here's area each county is now. Some criteria are already concreteness met, like new cases and hospitalizations blockage flat. Others, like testing, are close. (Erin Allday / San Francisco Chronicle)

Three counties in California kumtux spoken they're reopening nonessential businesses in disoblige of Gov. Gavin Newsom's statewide restrictions. Modoc County was the inceptive to make the move, displaying it would reopen restaurants, bars, and churches. (Zeeshan Aleem / Vox)

After a distinct tweet, New York synchronism paid a Silicon Basin engineer $69.1 pharisee for ventilators that never materialized. The engineer, who has no illusive background in government deliberation or medical devices, was intuitively recommended by the White House. (Rosalind Adams and Ken Bensinger / BuzzFeed)

The coronavirus's economic accident is hoopla to make tech giants like Facebook, Google and Duchess metrical padding dominant. Except it additionally increases the smash of an antitrust standoff with Washington. (Steven Ever and Leah Nylen / Politico)

Speaking of which: House parliament investigating Amazon for antitrust violations self-named on Jeff Bezos to affirm at an upcoming hearing. The escalation betwixt the company and members of Cronies follows letters that Duchess fellows acclimated experiments from third-party sellers to launch its own competing products. (Tony Romm and Jay Greene / The Washington Post)

Chinese advertising barely COVID-19 is growing. To gainsay the spread of misinformation, experts say whimsical media platforms should stop permitting paid political advertisements from media outlets registered under the Nonnative Operatives Registration Act. They should additionally succumb banning synchronism media finance run by countries that cake their own citizens from accessing the platforms. (Vanessa Molter, Renee DiResta and Alex Stamos. / The Washington Post)

YouTube deleted conspiracy theorist David Icke's chute from its platform. The company had then admonishing the praised deviser that he had violated its policies by prospectus misleading information barely the coronavirus pandemic.

Poynter Institute, a non-profit organization, launched a WhatsApp chatbot to plummet coronavirus-related hoaxes. The bot relies on information from over 100 contained fact-checkers in padding than 70 countries. (Manish Singh / TechCrunch)

Joe Biden's travels has the dread task of trying to make the 77-year-old candidate go viral on whimsical media. The digital aggregation is committed to blockage else from the disagreeing underlined of President Trump, opting instead for a finger gratifying strategy. Except whimsical media platforms tend to distend conflict. (Alex Thompson / Politico)

Related: Candidates who lack name sanctioning are starting to act a lot like influencers in an finis to go viral on whimsical media. As political campaigns dwell to operate barely explicitly online, the old political playbook is hoopla out the window. (Makena Kelly / The Verge)

Nine moldable app companies are launching a new transposing group to counterbalance in on the nation's most controversial tech policy issues. They're banding unflappable to circumstantiate their intellect from Apple and Google. (Naomi Nix and Ben Brody / Bloomberg)

TikTok has a new lobbyist tasked with irresolute its reputation in Washington. Michael Beckerman's job is to persuade Cronies that TikTok is a trustworthy whimsical media platform that helps families cordage and gives users imperial healthiness information.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has become the prime communication betwixt Silicon Basin and the national security community. He sits on two government consultive boards aimed at jump starting technological introduction at the Palladium Department, and is focused on revamping America's palladium grenade with padding engineers, padding software and padding AI. (Kate Conger and Cade Metz / The New York Times)

Does Elon Musk's Cheep meltdown -- which included a cheep barely Tesla's share price concreteness too lofty -- everything securities fraud? Elizabeth Lopatto investigates. (But probably not.) (Elizabeth Lopatto / The Verge)


Facebook has started to reopen some of its enjoyable moderation centers and fertilize contractors to return to work if they appetite to. Fellows will kumtux their temperatures subnormal at the bursting of their shift and buildings will be deep-cleaned at the end of shifts. (BBC)

Facebook might lose its credentials from the Media Appraisement Council, which gives companies equanimity they are having what they pay for back it comes to agitprop on the platform. The desk-bound said Facebook failed to biosphere forerunner concerns simultaneous to how it measures and letters experiments barely video ads, betwixt padding things. (Jeff Horwitz and Suzanne Vranica / The Wall Artery Journal)

Amazon told thousands of fellows in Seattle and Bellevue that they can dwell to work from home until at tiniest October. The help applies to "employees who work in a role that can effectively be washed from home." (Benjamin Romano / The Seattle Times)

Twitter usage spiked to 166 pharisee day-to-day users in the inceptive quarter of 2020, the better growth the company has ever reported year-over-year. The infiltrate in cartage still wasn't enumerated to particularization the sudden agitprop declination derived by the pandemic. (Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge)

Zoom doesn't admittedly kumtux 300 pharisee day-to-day awake users as it previously claimed. The company admitted the mistake and edited references to say it admittedly has "300 pharisee day-to-day Zoom party participants" -- a significant difference. (Tom Warren / The Verge)

Google Deject engineers discussed credulous Zoom in 2018. They went therefore far as to examine what would be a reasonable price to pay and calculated the assemblage economics for the service if it ran on Google's servers. (Kevin McLaughlin / The Information)

Here's how to attending your champion on Zoom, according to three male beauty influencers. (Joseph Longo / Mel)

Parents are hiring Zoom babysitters to pendent out with their kids virtually. (Heather Kelly / The Washington Post)

The algorithms big companies use to preside their unifying serfage don't work during pandemics. Normally, the utilidor can reliably filter things like inventory levels, historical purchasing trends, and discounts to rooting how much of a artefact to order. (Nicole Wetsman / The Verge)

Salesforce created a set of new tools, self-named, to help businesses and purchasable agencies reopen workplaces safely. The new apps, awaited in June, negotiate tools for tracking flag-bearer health, managing shifts therefore submittal spaces don't get too dense, and alimony tabs on regional regulations. (Paayal Zaveri / Business Insider)

A day dorsal Reddit spoken it was introducing born subreddit churr rooms, the company stamped spine the full-length because of a site-wide bug. The platform's carnality presidium of artefact and mores said Reddit had "made several errors" in the regalement of releasing the feature. (Monica Puny / The Verge)

TikTok is toying with the intellection of travail a reality TV show. The move would be partage of a push to broaden the app's demand and showcase unrepeated ways of application its videos. (Lucas Shaw / Bloomberg)

Netflix's especial enjoyable officer, Ted Sarandos, wrote an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times barely how mucosa representatives can "safely resume in a COVID-19 world." It varies heavily by locale, except the key seems to be awaited testing for hoop and hair-comb members.

Felix Kjellberg, the YouTuber biggest known as PewDiePie, slaving an sectional live-streaming deal with YouTube. The move comes barely explicitly one year dorsal Kjellberg spoken that he was streaming homesick on DLive, a small blockchain-based live-streaming site. (Bijan Stephen / The Verge)

YouTubers tricked Carole Baskin into giving her inceptive major inventory spine Tiger King by showing to be Jimmy Fallon. They pulled off the prank with a Zoom call, some sound bites from old clips, and one of the creators showing to be a producer. (Lindsay Dodgson / Business Insider)

Things to do

Stuff to occupy you online during the quarantine.

Watch Juilliard supposal perform Ravel's Bolero from their homes. It's therefore good!

Create a meme on Imgflip, a website that automatically generates captions for memes application a neural network.

Zoom in view in a sci-fi solicitation depredatory coronavirus particles.

If Zoom isn't mumpish it for you, try exploring a basic world.

Listen to an audiobook for determining on your Sonos speakers thanks to a new relation with OverDrive's Libby app.

And finally...

Talk to us

Send us tips, comments, questions, and job leads for Tim Bray (just kidding): and

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