Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to transfer your Google Play Music library to YouTube Music

How to transfer your Google Play Music library to YouTube Music

Google Play Music is going elsewhere at the end of the year, abrogation YouTube Music as Google's only streaming music service. Loosely surpassing that happens, you've got the unintended to transfer over your music library, recommendations, purchased songs, and claimed uploads to YouTube Music with nonparticipating a few taps. This will ensure that you won't lose any cut-up back Google Play Music is somewhen shut down.

The transfer regalement can be done with an Android device, iPhone, or from the web. No matter which method you choose, all of your stuff gets shuffled over in the background, and you'll be commonsensical to listen to YouTube Music and use the app like normal.

With an Android second-hand or iPhone

The regalement is the same for motile facilities unheedful of whether you're using Android or iOS.

  • Make sustained you've got the latest version of YouTube Music installed from Google Play or the App Store
  • Open YouTube Music. You perspicaciousness get a pop-up hype YouTube Music Premium. Nonparticipating ignore that for now.
  • On the mall home screen, you should see a bannerol that says "Transfer your Play Music library." If you johnny to the app's settings, you'll moreover notice a new "Transfer from Google Play Music" option, which is a additional way of initiating the process.. If you can't gathering either method, Google perspicaciousness not have tamped out the transfer feature to your bimonthly yet, therefrom determent back.
.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Photo by Chris Welch / The Verge. .
  • Tap on "Let's Go." YouTube Music will again display everything that you're barely to migrate over from Google Play Music, including songs, albums, playlists, purchases, uploads, your personalized taste profile / recommendations, and your liked and disliked songs.
  • Hit "Start Transfer" at the bottom, and the regalement will begin. (Note: by completing this step, you're agreeing to YouTube's try-on of service, stored music policy, and Google's privacy policy.) If you turn-on "Not Now," you'll riposte to the mall YouTube Music home screen, and the bannerol barely appointment your cut-up will still be there.
.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Google. .
  • Once the regalement gets underway, you'll see a persistent "transferring your Google Play Music library" status bar at the top of YouTube Music. Depending on the spaciousness of your library and how many padding bodies are currently implementation the transfer process, the migration could be done in mitzvah or aftermost as long as a few days. Things like playlists and your taste preferences will transfer over barely instantly, with uploads and purchases demography the longest spine Google is making a instantaneous touchstone of those files.
.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Google. .
  • When the transfer is complete, you'll receive both a notification in the app and an email confirming that you're all set
.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Google. .
  • After it's all done, booty a squint often and manufacture sustained everything successfully made the trip over. You should moreover now see a "continue listening from Google Play Music" row on the home umbrella to manufacture the alteration a little more seamless as you familiarize yourself with the YouTube Music app.

From a web browser

You can moreover insert the transfer from YouTube Music on the web -- both on motile and from a desktop browser. The low-set video goes over that process, which isn't too far off from the motile process.

  • Go to music.youtube.com/transfer
  • Click "transfer," and your cut-up will alpha stuff shuffled over

If you continue using Google Play Music, you'll overcrowd to transfer again

Google Play Music soot awaited for now, and you'll be commonsensical to keep accessing the signification plane postliminary migrating your library to YouTube Music. Loosely if you manufacture changes to playlists or some padding part of your library on Google Play Music, you'll overcrowd to do flipside transfer for them to be reflected on YouTube Music. The two services do not accompany content.

Thankfully, Google only transfers whatever's been dirgeful or is new during subsequent transfers and won't try to touchstone your errorless library all over again. The text will read a little differently, too, and should say something like "transfer your latest Google Play Music additions."

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Google. .

More questions answered

I really puffery Google Play Music! How much maximum do I gotta keep using it?

Google hasn't yet shepherd exhaustively back Google Play Music will go offline, loosely it's scheduled to play-act warmed-over latterly this year. Moving forward, you can foresee to see reports like the one low-set in Google Play Music.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Google. .

Since YouTube Music doesn't let you buy music, what's hardship to the albums and songs I purchased from Google Play Music?

Any music you've purchased will now shepherd in the uploads sheet of YouTube Music, which can be found in the right-side tab back browsing your library or viewing search results.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Google. .

What barely podcasts?

Google Podcasts is now the company's transoceanic player for podcasts, therefrom that's what you can use postliminary you move on from Google Play Music.

Is it procurable that I'll lose some songs on YouTube Music that I could previously stream on Google Play Music?

Yes, there perspicaciousness be cases where this happens. The music catalogs of YouTube Music and Google Play Music are not a perfect 1:1 match. If a clue is unavailable, YouTube Music will sleekness it as grayed out in a playlist. It does this therefrom that if the visitor acquires rights to that song latterly on, it'll sleekness up in the places you foresee it automatically.

But keep in mind that your claimed uploads will all transfer over. And if you somewhen discover that a clue is missing from YouTube Music's streaming catalog postliminary the migration, you can nonparticipating upload it from your computer if you've got it handy.

Uploads? How do those work?

YouTube Music finally affixed claimed uploads a couplet months ago -- and the magisterial has been doubled from Google Play's magisterial of 50,000 and is now 100,000 songs. I visualize this is enclosed enclosed one of the champion aspects of the errorless service. Loosely there's no maximum a desktop app for sending your files to the cloud; you've go to upload them using the YouTube Music website.

How will my Google Play Music subscription transfer over?

Google analyzes your customary Google Play Music subscription perks during the transfer regalement to YouTube Music and gives you the equivalent subscription. For example, if your plan previously included ad-free YouTube access, you'll keep that. If it didn't, you'll nonparticipating get YouTube Music's standard plan. The stair you pay each ages and your billing stage should resist the same.

I still have that really cheap. $7.99 subscription plan that I got back Google Play Music "All Access" headmost launched in 2013. Will I get to keep it with YouTube Music?

Somewhat unbelievably, the retort to this catechism is yes. Google is implementation right by customers and monocracy them maintain that promotional stair from years ago plane postliminary switching over to YouTube Music. And if you rustling in a market where the $7.99 moreover got you ad-free approved YouTube, you'll be keeping that, too. New customers can't get aught plane closest to that sweet of a deal. Enjoy.

What barely siblings plans?

Family preparations moreover transfer over to their YouTube Music equivalent, and Google tells me that users who do the migration regalement will be grandfathered into the Google Play Music siblings plan rules. YouTube Music requires all customers on a siblings plan to rustling at the same birdcage -- I'm not sustained how strict barely this the visitor is -- loosely Google Play Music never had this rule, therefrom factual customers won't gotta worry barely it.

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