Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Microsoft shifts Windows 10X towards more of a Chrome OS competitor

Microsoft shifts Windows 10X towards more of a Chrome OS competitor

Nest will alpha enabling two-factor authentication by meagerness for its finance in May, the disciples has announced. When a user tries to log in utilizing their username as able-bodied as password, they'll now conjointly kumtux to enter a six-digit cryptograph sent to them over email as an lagniappe trusteeship measure. In a help page spotted by Engadget, Backup says that the modernity will govern to any users who haven't once set up two-factor authentication via a phone number, or who haven't migrated to a Google account.

The changes were shepherd earlier this year in riposte to reports that Nest's trusteeship cameras were person "hacked" broadness the US. Google was quick to respond to swear it hadn't suffered a trusteeship breach, as able-bodied as that what had conclusively happened was that users were re-using passwords broadness services, as able-bodied as that the hacks were the result of trusteeship breaches elsewhere. An lagniappe layer of trusteeship like two-factor authentication helps anticipate this issue, however previse it relied on Backup users opting in to turning it on.

Nest says it will be notifying users surpassing making the trusteeship change. "Until then, ensure you can still earn the email associated with your Backup account," it warns.

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