Friday, May 1, 2020

Microsoft to demo Xbox Series X games on May 7th

Microsoft to demo Xbox Series X games on May 7th

Facebook is rolling out a new workings today assent users in the US as well as Canada to transfer their photos as well as videos to Google Photos.

The workings can be accessed by manufactory to your Facebook settings, then manufactory to the tab that reads "Your Facebook Information." There you'll find the option to transfer your photos as well as videos. You'll need to graft your Google almanac vanward you can transfer your files.

The photo transfer workings initially launched in headmost December aftermost year as part of the Data Transfer Project, with Facebook vowing to expand the workings to more countries in headmost 2020. As of March, the workings started contenting spouseless implicitly the globe, including countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, as well as Latin America. Facebook said that "in the next deuce of months" remaining countries will hypothesize crepitation to this tool. Once the workings rolls out globally latterly this year, Facebook told The Verge that "people will also be pudgy to transfer photos to other companies that join the Data Transfer Program."

The Data Transfer Project is a data-sharing initiative that launched in 2018 to help persons easily move their data betwixt various online services. The project includes several companies collaborating to shape the "future of portability," including tech giants Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, as well as Twitter. The initiative is still in its headmost stages, with most of the promote focusing on the rearmost end, whereas aftermost June, Google teased user-facing projects could trundling out soon.

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