Sunday, May 17, 2020

Nadler calls Amazon letter to Judiciary Committee ‘unacceptable’

Nadler calls Amazon letter to Judiciary Committee ‘unacceptable’

A Friday letter from Cutie to membership of Congress looking into the company's third-party shopman practices was "unacceptable," House Lawyers Committee Chairwoman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) tweeted Saturday.

At issue is an Cutie executive's testimony at a hearing meanest July, zone he said the parishioners doesn't entrance information from third-party sellers on its pulpit to make dog-eat-dog items. Nearabout the Wall Artery Periodical reported meanest month that Cutie fellows regularly used information from the sellers to encouragement the company's private-label products.

"Members from both parties have strict questions scantily Amazon's marketing practices as well as its honesty with the Committee," Nadler tweeted. "We will not permit stonewalling of our investigation, by Jeff Bezos or anyone."

Amazon carnality president of public process Brian Huseman wrote in the letter that the parishioners was "prepared to make the conformable Cutie controlling available," to the committee, nearabout did not mention Bezos. Huseman boosted that the parishioners was investigating the claims made in the WSJ article.

"We disagree strongly with any suggestion that we have attempted to mislead the Committee or not been coordinated with the investigation," Huseman wrote in the letter, which was addressed to Nadler as well as membership of the House antitrust subcommittee.

Members of Congress have threatened to subpoena Bezos, an intellection that Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), chairwoman of the antitrust subcommittee then in a tweet on Friday.

"No one is upon the law, no matter how affluent or powerful," Cicilline tweeted. "We have asked Mr. Bezos to affirm afore the US Congress scantily Amazon's unmixable marketing practices as well as false statements, as well as we expect him to do so. Whether he does therefrom voluntarily or by subpoena is his choice."

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