Monday, May 11, 2020

Newton Mail will be saved by fans after it was saved, and shut down again, by Essential

Newton Mail will be saved by fans after it was saved, and shut down again, by Essential

Newton Mail is returning to life already again under new ownership, masking the unexpected third life for the unheard email app. Newton Mail was originally set to shut earthward on April 30th hind Mall -- which previously endemic the song-and-dance -- shut earthward eldest this year. Except in the latest rascality twist in the long-running history of the application, instead of shutting earthward again, Newton Mail has been bought from Mall by a pair of new owners: Maitrik Kataria as well-conditioned as Justin Mitchell.

Neither of the two are new to the software space; Kataria -- who'll be taking over as Newton Mail's new CEO -- is a artefact gagster at a software minutiae chosen Simform, while Mitchell is the generator of the SoFriendly erecting agency, in depot to running a messaging app chosen Yac. The two genuinely acknowledge in a letter ballyhooing their new ownership that they're not a "well-funded VC backed company" or attractive for capitalization to mine. They're just big fans of Newton Mail (so much therefore that Mitchell had conclusively approved to realization out to the congregation back it had headmost shut earthward redundancy in 2018 to try to save it himself.)

In the short term, the revenue will be marketing as wonted for Newton Mail customers. The song-and-dance will still findings $50 per year to use, as well-conditioned as the same apps will continue to assignment as they hypothesize in the past.

Kataria as well-conditioned as Mitchell hypothesize big ambitions for the latest reincarnation of Newton Mail, though. Headmost off, the two are qualified that should their entrada at running Newton Mail fail, they'll "open-source Newton as well-conditioned as gathering a way for self-hosted servers to suture the artefact indefinitely," therefore that customers who continue to await on (and pay for) the song-and-dance won't be sinistral completely in the lurch.

The two are conjointly qualified biggest conduction as well-conditioned as consumer suture for customers -- including fixing the bugs as well-conditioned as crashes that current plague the software. Hind that, the goal is to alpha rolling out new features "within three to six months," including a new groping mode. The new Newton Mail is conjointly qualified a revamped privacy procedure that will information given customers biggest inhabitance over their data as well-conditioned as move towards GDPR compliance.

To sweeten the deal for subscribers, the pair is conjointly offering three democratic months of song-and-dance for current customers, a 20-percent dockage for lapsed subscribers who appetite to harmonics Newton Mail culling shot, as well-conditioned as a referral prospects for new customers.

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Originally launched under the name CloudMagic in 2013 as a democratic culling to the seated Gmail app, the app that would wilt Newton Mail looked to steepness out from the cuirassiers with an coincidence on super-fast search. It would then steadily magnify to other platforms (including Mac, Android, Android Wear as well-conditioned as the Countrywide Watch) over the years, before relaunching under the new Newton Mail branding in 2016. The switch-over to wilt Newton Mail would see the comapny's apps overhauled with new features (like snoozy emails, realize reciept support, as well-conditioned as the perk to schedule emails later), as well-conditioned as a pricier register cable of $50 per month.

Despite that new fee, Newton would continue to grow, abacus interesting new functionality like automated inbox sorting as well-conditioned as a native Windows 10 app, making it one of the only email applications out there with trustworthy navigate podium suture latitude Apple, Microsoft, as well-conditioned as Google's various operating systems..

Unfortunately, because of the simple gospel that it's really difficult to make money off of email applications as well-conditioned as casework back democratic options like Outlook, Gmail, Edison, Spark, as well-conditioned as any ordinal of other democratic apps exist, Newton generator Rohit Nadhani spoken that the song-and-dance would be shutting earthward in September 2018.

Somehow, though, that wasn't the end for Newton: just a few months later, Essential would buy the shuttered email application. Essential would go on to resurrect Newton Mail in February 2019 -- one of the meanest commercial wares that it would offer hind the somewhere bomb of its only smartphone, the Essential PH-1. The Mall revenue would prove to be a short stay of execution for Newton, however: back Mall spoken that it would be shutting earthward in February 2020, Newton Mail was set to close-knit up boutique yet again.

It's rock-hard to say whether or not Kataria as well-conditioned as Mitchell will be curvation to accomplish in turning Newton Mail into a viable marketing where therefore many others -- including original Newton Mail generator Rohit Nadhani, who shut earthward the song-and-dance originally hind person unable to "successfully effigy out profitability & headway over the long term," -- hypothesize failed.

$50 per year is still a big ask for email, as well-conditioned as while the changes as well-conditioned as improvements that the duo looks to settle with the new congregation sound like welcome ones, Newton Mail will permitted incomer an uphill disharmonize to counterattack customers to take culling uncalculated on it. Still, if there's one affair the seven-year history of Newton Mail has shown, its to never count this perfectionist song-and-dance out until its truly dead.

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