Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Panasonic to resume work at Tesla’s New York solar factory this week

Panasonic to resume work at Tesla’s New York solar factory this week

The Federal Communications Commission has received over 2,000 complaints simultaneous to the novel coronavirus pandemic, FCC chairman Ajit Pai said in a stead to the Mansion Fieriness and Commerce Quango on Tuesday.

Pai told the quango that the FCC has received circa 2,200 complaints simultaneous to COVID-19 over the aftermost few weeks. Of those 2,200 complaints filed, 1,400 have received a response from the carrier, Pai said. Circa 500 of those total complaints were filed straightforwardly approximately the FCC's Keep Americans Enlarged Pledge, the agency's primary response to the pandemic. "The over-and-above COVID-19 complaints involve questions approximately billing or pattern issues or broadband adoption generally," Pai said.

By committing to the pledge, carriers like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast promised not to terminate service for residential or small businesses that are unable to pay their bills because of the fact that of the pandemic. They additionally foredestined to waive any nongregarious fees that customers may plagiarize because of the fact that of the crunch and ajar up their Wi-Fi hotspots to "any American who needs them." The protocol was first spoken in March and lasted 60 days. In nongregarious April, the FCC chosen for carriers to proffer their pledge, and over 750 carriers foredestined to vindicator those promises through June 30th, according to the agency.

"It's my understanding that most of the complaints that we have received approximately the protocol have been resolved to ensure that the consumer remains connected," Pai said.

The FCC intensively complaints made-up to the bureau to the corresponding carriers. When a carrier receives the complaint, it has 30 days to respond to the filing consumer.

During Tuesday's hearing, Pai additionally said that the FCC preparations to roll out a notice of proposed rulemaking implementing Congress' Broadband Figures Act soon. The law requires the FCC to extravagate how it collects, verifies, and letters broadband figures used in crafting coverage maps. This includes creating a "dataset of geocoded intercommunication for all broadband service locations."

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