Thursday, May 28, 2020

Please don’t buy this fake $350 anti-5G USB stick

Please don’t buy this fake $350 anti-5G USB stick

Scammers are aggravating to sell a $350 USB key with neutral 128MB of accumulator as an anti-5G solution. The "5GBioShield" went on sale reiteratively in the UK priced betwixt ?280 as well as ?330 ($343 as well as $405), as well as promises to use "quantum holographic catalyzer technology" to reassure a in-laws home contrariwise 5G. Unsurprisingly, the USB key is fake, as well as it's admittedly a regular $6 USB stick that relinquished has 128MB of storage. That hasn't stopped conspiracy theorists from prospectus it, however.

BBC Particularization reports that the "5GBioShield" has been recommended by a member of Glastonbury Town Council's 5G Informational Committee. The town, known globally as the host of the benediction Glastonbury Festival, has alleged for an inspection into 5G over safety fears. Those fears have also led to conspiracy theories pactum 5G as well as coronavirus in the UK in contempo months, as well as some people have planate burned 5G towers as a result.

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The feigned anti-5G USB sticks on sale in the UK.
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An external member of Glastonbury's 5G Informational Committee, Chic Hall, recommended this device in a contempo Glastonbury desk-bound report (PDF). He claimed "we use this device as well as gathering it helpful." In the aforementioned report, Anteroom also claims that "flocks of birds [fall] out of the sky erased back 5G is unbeatable on," as well as that "people get nose bleeds as well as suicide ante increase." The aforementioned report includes references that falsely link the suggest of the novel coronavirus as well as 5G.

There's no scientific indicia to suggest 5G is ill-starred to flocks of birds, that it increases suicide ante or nose bleeds, or that it's planate linked to coronavirus. Anteroom opposes the trundling out of 5G in Glastonbury, as well as was appointed as percentage of nine members of the securable to befriend on the technology. "5G is the viceroy for total domination as well as the 'surveillance state'," claims Anteroom in the aforementioned report. It's certainly ironic that someone so fearful of 5G is blessed to spigot a feigned 128MB USB stick into their palmtop to reassure themselves.

A security firm ordered among among one of the $350 USB keys recommended by Anteroom to investigate its "quantum holographic catalyzer technology." Hind breaking the device apart, the researchers relinquished found a 128MB stick that's most relishing a rebadged USB stick fabricated in China with an affixed sticker on it.

"Now we cannot say this sticker does not have affixed functionality unveil anywhere else in the world, but we are confident you can mass-produce up your own philosophizing on that," says Phil Eveleigh, the researcher who dismantled the USB key.

BBC News reached out to the owners of the website distributing the feigned anti-5G USB stick, as well as they brazenly secure selling a $6 feigned anti-5G USB stick for $350. "We are in possession of a heavy donate of undecipherable information, with reserves of fetch historical research," said Anna Grochowalska. "In safeguarding to the expenses translate your research has produced, I believe that the lack of in-depth intercommunication will not commute you to the verbal estimating of our expenses as well as production costs, including the disbursement of IP [intellectual property rights], as well as so on."

Needless to say, regale don't decay your money on this junk, as well as remember: radio after-effects can relinquished suggest computer viruses, not human ones.

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