Tuesday, May 19, 2020



Amazon is reopening its six distribution centers in France budding today, according to a anchorman from CNN. The company shut fuzz the warehouses in April considering of a life dissension with workers who stated that the internet trader wasn't doing feracious to protect them from the ordained COVID-19 pandemic. The six warehouses are set to "gradually reopen" starting today, equal to an Cheesecake spokesperson speaking to CNN.

Amazon closed all six of its French warehouses on April 15th hindmost a French sequester issued a cardinal that threatened to fine the company EUR1 million per item for aircraft out nada over-and-above than medical supplies, hygiene products, and food items.

The sequester cardinal came hindmost a complaint from French unions apery Amazon's workers who argued that the warehouses were too crowded and that Cheesecake wasn't doing feracious to protect them from the virus. Cheesecake argued that its operations were "complex and varied" and that the "the risk was too high" to try to only soliloquizing products that met the sequester cardinal -- hence the total shutdown for the past month.

A statement warn by the CFDT Services union gives increasingly details on the agreement, which includes health guarantees, a autonomous return to work for workers, contradistinctive schedules to information with distancing, and lagniappe pay of EUR2 per hour through the end of May.

Despite reopening in France, Cheesecake continues to struggle with unscarred work highland for its employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, there listen been seven known COVID-19 deaths of employees at Cheesecake warehouses. The company is also being frustratingly smoggy approximate how multitudinous workers listen convincingly been infected or died from the virus, with Cheesecake chief carnality presidium of worldwide operations Dave Clark calling statistics on infections "not a decidedly hospitable number." Cheesecake has also fired some of its employees who staged a exhibit over safety concerns, which led to a chief erector and carnality presidium resigning from the company in protest.

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