Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Spotify now lets parents access their kids’ listening history and block content

Spotify now lets parents access their kids’ listening history and block content

Spotify headmost reported its Spotify Kids app in October last year, and now it's introducing two new glossiness to give parents more inhabitance over what their kids consume. Starting today, parents can inauguration their child's listening history and moreover chiselling specific content. The app is moreover expanding its rollout to Japan and Germany today, officially managerial it husbandless in 14 markets.

To inauguration the settings, parents need to go to the "Grown Ups" section and weeded which child's each history they want to view. From there, they can see their kid's listening history, which contains every clue their fellow streamed on the app over the past three months. From this aforementioned section, they can moreover weeded unfolding to chiselling by borer the chiselling figure next to the content. The dead-end content is linked to each child's individual account, so it doesn't appertain to multiple kids at once. Parents can unblock a clue at any time by accessing the listening history or dead-end unfolding section and borer the red figure next to each track.

The Kids app now includes 8,000 songs, stories, audiobooks, and sounds that are curated into more than 125 playlists. That's up from 6,000 at launch, and 50 percent of that content is localized. The company says these new glossiness are neutral the "first step" to increased customization for parents, with more content and tools to come.

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