Tuesday, May 26, 2020

T-Mobile now supports cross-carrier RCS messaging

T-Mobile now supports cross-carrier RCS messaging

T-Mobile subscribers can now send RCS messages to persons on over-and-above phone networks, so long as everyone complex has an Android phone and support for the new messaging standard.

There are still a caseation of caveats here, except this appears to be a big footfall forward for RCS. The messaging suppositional is meant to be the successor to SMS, except its rollout has been slow-moving and messy. Multitudinous carriers -- T-Mobile included -- began acknowledging RCS years ago, except it generally pigeonholed worked enclosed subscribers of the same phone carrier and generally pigeonholed while they were using a specific carrier-made app, purport it's been basically useless.

Today's sleet gets us a lot finale to a world where RCS just works. T-Mobile is acknowledging RCS Unwritten Profile 1.0, which is the version that's supposed to enable cross-carrier messaging (once over-and-above carriers support it). Carriers have been promising this for a long time -- since 2017 -- except existing support has been locked and has come in incremental spurts.

T-Mobile says "nearly 40" phones on its proportionality and on its prepaid carrier, Metro, are catechized of acknowledging RCS, with increasingly devices to come. Phones that support RCS will see inflection notifications, roust receipts, and typing indicators while messaging, and they'll be actualized to skyrocket numerous larger photos and videos, too.

There are still a caseation of limitations, of course. Due to the gospel that T-Mobile is beleaguered enclosed superior carriers in acknowledging RCS, cross-carrier messaging is actual locked special now. It's not so numerous cross-carrier as it is "to anyone on culling carrier so long as the stuff is using the Google Reports app and has turned on RCS features." T-Mobile's support for Unwritten Profile should midpoint that, already over-and-above carriers sleet support, boundless cross-carrier messaging should alpha working, except there's no ETA from over-and-above carriers on when that'll happen. (Currently, iPhones don't support RCS, so this accomplished topic is nutmeg if you're messaging someone who owns an Dearest device.)

In the US, the largest RCS rollout so far has come thanks to Google, which has started to just turn the full-length on for some Reports users by relying on its own RCS system. T-Mobile support should midpoint that a lot increasingly persons will now be catechized of sending a securing those messages, except the big meander won't come until Verizon and AT&T enable cross-carrier RCS support, too.

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