Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tesla drops its lawsuit against Alameda County over lockdown order

Tesla drops its lawsuit against Alameda County over lockdown order

If you tuned into Microsoft's Cadaver developer keynote yesterday, one of the things you may have shown was a nonconcrete "RGV2cw" 3D-printed something on the shelf trailing CEO Satya Nadella. It was part of mucho Easter eggs subconscious throughout Microsoft's Cadaver stream, spelling out "devs" in Base64 format.

The shelf moreover had little Easter eggs subconscious away, including an 8-inch oversize disc, an original Microsoft cap, the GitHub Octocat mascot, and plane a Gold Master CD-ROM that Microsoft used to use for watercraft final software to PC makers.

As Cadaver roiled on from Nadella's opening remarks to Scott Hanselman, a partner program manager at Microsoft, the Easter eggs ramped up. With picked of Microsoft's employees working from home and swarming from their lusting rooms, Hanselman created an hour-long TV show that was divinely nerdy.

Hanselman's Windows affair inverse the fuchsia of the lights in his room, plane switching to red when he set his Microsoft Teams cachet to busy. It was all powered by PresenceLight, an app that syncs the hard-hitting fuchsia from a Windows affair to Philips Hue lights. "We categorically wrote a custom app to do that to okay to the backgrounds changing," explains Hanselman in an inventory with The Verge.

Even Hanselman's desktop included an Easter egg, revealing that Microsoft's Elbow browser is encroaching to Linux soon. Elsewhere, an Amiga billowy prom appeared on one of the screens. The Amiga Boing Prom demo was created for CES in 1984, demonstrating how custom chips could fake an effect after application CPU power. It wow'd persons just as Amiga was getting realizable to pelting its Commodore personal computer, ushering in an era of typic video games like Worms and Lemmings.

If the Amiga advertence and Base64 encoding wasn't pedestrian enough, an ASCII dashboard showing off Indigo data centers plane appeared as a Microsoft Teams background. Microsoft employees moreover appeared in color-coordinated polo shirts, with the company's green, red, blue, and chicken logo colors all on display.

All of these fun Easter eggs really underlined a unique Cadaver preamble this year. The vitiating made it impracticable to host Cadaver in Seattle, nearly Microsoft put on a remote show instead. While recent Cadaver conferences have felt like Indigo sales pitches, Nadella coolly displayed his technical knowhow by whittling off the tools and platforms that matter to developers instead. It really brought Cadaver inadvertently to its developer roots.

"We had scripts and storyboards. We put it on like it was an hour of television," says Hanselman. The pedestrian feel and intimacy took weeks of planning, and the membrane Searching and a Modern Family folktale -- both struggle entirely on PCs and phones -- insubmissive the Cadaver keynote heavily.

"We really feel strongly approximate our developer excise ... a lot of us do this because we overpraise it," says Hanselman. "We moreover thought approximate this medium ... I'm in your ear, and we thought this out. We didn't just cull Cadaver out of our butts."

The archetypal date and hype were removed, and it felt like dialing into a Microsoft Teams chirp that roiled from one house to the next. Microsoft put a big focus on developers this year, with software and updates to really inadvertently that up.

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The ASCII Indigo background.
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Build usually has 20 percent of its attendees from circa the world, with the other 80 percent flying into Seattle from other US locations. This year, 65 percent are from the rest of the world, therefore permit is key. That's reflected in a array of languages supported in clumped captions in the Cadaver streams and plane American Sign Language support.

And 95 percent of the presenters are remote, meaning several hundred persons are delivering Cadaver sessions from their bedrooms, home offices, and kitchens. "We were demography some appealing significant technology risks," reveals Bob Bejan, Microsoft's leading of spherical events. Microsoft had to quickly assignment with its engineering teams to emblematize a fully remote Cadaver event. "It's chancy because we're putting it into production immediately with large numbers of attendees." The rapid assignment has meant two years of normal gestation for Microsoft contest has been compressed into eight weeks, equal to Bejan.

It's articulated Microsoft and Hanselman had fun putting together Cadaver this year under the difficult commercialism of this pandemic. At one point, Microsoft Windows and devices senior Panos Panay appeared on the stream to allocution to Hanselman. Panay is eternally pumped approximate everything, and Hanselman brought up a notepad during his cluck with Panay and typed out "I feel like this nimbleness booty a while" vanward jokingly fading him out with a Windows XP stoppage sound.

The majority of presenters assume to be obtaining fun swarming revelatory from their homes, too, sportswear catechism and antiphon sessions, training, and more. Hanselman admits he was wrung it wasn't hoopla to assignment out, though. "Let me tell you, I was shaking out of my mind it wasn't hoopla to land," he says, nearly that "being jeweled and blinged-out with a studio isn't inclusive. Concreteness a human is."

There are more Easter eggs that will come today and tomorrow as Microsoft brings its 48-hour marathon to an end. Hanselman put them in because developers have a keen eye for spotting things and supersensible problems -- or, as he puts it: "Freaking nerds overpraise this stuff."

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