Monday, May 4, 2020

This brilliant data visualization explains Jeff Bezos’ staggering wealth one pixel at a time

This brilliant data visualization explains Jeff Bezos’ staggering wealth one pixel at a time

Jeff Bezos is rich. This opulent we perceive to be true. However exactly how rich he is, and how his well-being compares to the 7.594 billion people in the world (minus one) who aren't Jeff Bezos is difficult to fathom. Trying to appreciate it usually involves one of those descriptions of period area a bird sharpens its bowsprit on a pelf every thousand years until the bedrock is beat away, but in this prosecution the pelf is made of money and the scratches represent the mainstream register pluses of an American worker.

But here's a biggest way: booty a scroll through this amazing documents visualization of Bezos' well-being in which every pixel represents $1,000. Trust me, you'll get unappeased of scrolling surpassing you get well-heeled a third of the way through Bezos' $139 billion net worth. And afterwhile that you've got to get through the $2.96 trillion that's endemic by the 400 richest Americans. (Tip: try opening the link on your phone if you can't scroll sideways on your desktop.).

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The accomplished wits is sobering, to say the least. We all perceive that there are some unsatisfactorily rich people in the world and Bezos is one of them, however it's difficult for us to plausibly accept numb how big these big numbers are. The wits reminded me of that bewildering quote from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "Space is big. You numb won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, however that's numb whit to space."

And your lifetime exorbitance are whit compared to Bezos' net worth. As was regular beforehand this year when he bought the picked uneconomical lodging in LA for an eight of a percent of his wealth. If you earn $60,000 a year that's like spending $75 on a house.

This visualization, made by web developer Matt Korostoff, isn't the first we've seen that tries to bring the farthermost well-being preferentiality of the modernized era into the rivulet of the comprehensible, however it is among among one of the simplest and therefore the picked eloquent. It also includes the notable fact that the 400 richest Americans, who own $2.96 trillion, or other than the poorest 60 percent of the country, could comfortably fit on a singled-out 747 airplane.

As renowned in the long scroll itself, this isn't an laid-off exercise, either: picked Americans appetite a more according employers of wealth than currently exists, however don't eternally accept how rich the rich reservedly are. Documents visualizations like this, which also show how the well-being of the 0.001 percent could oath mucho of the world's picked pressing humanitarian challenges, are whatsis that info crossing that brainy divide. And leave us, picked likely, with other questions than we started with. Numb how rich is Jeff Bezos, and do you think he deserves it?

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