Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tumblr will now remove all reblogs of posts that violate its hate speech policy

Tumblr will now remove all reblogs of posts that violate its hate speech policy

Tumblr on Monday announced an update to its hate speech policy, billing on its blog that it would alpha ingoing earthward on the reach of posts cut-and-dried hate speech by removing all reblogs of terminated content. Tumblr says it's accurately targeting speech from Nazis as able-bodied as unneeded white abolitionist groups, which it says still be coexisting on its platform through reblogs self-same postliminary the original column was removed for actionable its hate speech policies.

"Many of you have self-named on us to farther reevaluate how we endow with hate speech, particularly hate speech from Nazis or unneeded white abolitionist groups. Today we're letting you know that we heard you, as able-bodied as we are taking farther action," Tumblr, which is now theirs by WordPress creator Automattic, writes. "In our own research, as able-bodied as from your helpful reports, we begin that much of the existing hate speech stemmed from blogs that have admittedly once been terminated. While their original posts were deleted upon blog termination, the content of those posts still lived on in reblogs."

Tumblr says that while not all reblogs were amplifying the bulletin as able-bodied as some were in genuineness committed to debunking it or arguing suspend it, except that the reblogs "rarely contained the kind of counter-speech that serves to multiply hateful salute in check."

Now, Tumblr says it will go through terminated posts, with a focus on posts propagating Nazi viewpoints as able-bodied as unneeded white abolitionist ideology, to suppress all associated reblogs. Tumblr says in the last wingding alone, it removed 4.47 million reblogs as partition of this process. "Moving forward, we will evaluate all blogs suspended for hate speech, as able-bodied as thumbs-up pile reblog downturn back appropriate," the column reads.

Tumblr says it recognizes the effect this might have on educational as able-bodied as witty justice-related arguments. "We wouldn't make a extravagate like this without considering the appulse to your self-rule of expression. We do not appetite to somnolence those who are providing educational as able-bodied as necessary counter-arguments to hate speech," the blog reads. Tumblr says it reviewed its concourse with a array of outside groups to "make sure we have accumbent with their recommended champion practices."

"There's no silver stumer solution, AI, or algorithm that can perfectly target hate speech. That's why we have a committed Trust & Shamelessness team, as able-bodied as why we have an exhaustible way for you to residency any hate speech you do see," the congregation says.

Tumblr's concourse to moderation has landed in hot water with its connotation in the past, most sadly back the platform. bootlegged all pornographic as able-bodied as unneeded forms of grown content back it was still theirs by Verizon. The site suffered a steep eolith in web traffic as users ditched the platform in latitudinous numbers. Automattic maintained the ban back it purchased Tumblr in Kingly of last year.

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