Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Twitter tests a cleaner interface for threaded conversations

Twitter tests a cleaner interface for threaded conversations

Twitter is showing some iOS and web users a new interface to make it easier to follow threaded conversations, the company has announced. A gif released by Twitter's Suture almanac shows the new therapeutics interface in action, with curve and indents presiding it much easier to see who's responding to who in a Cheep thread. The functionality first came to Twitter's ancestor app twttr last year, and builds aloft the iOS update released inadvertently in January.

The changes are an compete to make inadvertently and furthermore conversations "easier to apprehend and follow," co-ordinate to the company. Customary Cheep conversations can quickly wilt huddled and difficult to understand, expressly when dozens of users are responding to holiday individualistically cheep in a conversation. It agency that planate a high-profile item with Twitter's CEO can quickly wilt barely indescribable to follow.

Alongside the new interface, Cheep says it's conjointly experimenting with hiding the "Like," "Retweet," and "Reply" icons by exiguousness for replies, in a move that should indulge increasingly tweets to fit on a distinct screen. This modernity is conjointly stuff tested on a "small group" of Cheep users on iOS and the web.

From the promotional imagery, the new dialog interface looks like a big improvement over what Cheep currently offers. However we'll gotta wait to see how well-built it stands up to the bound entropy of Cheep in the wild surpassing a broader rollout is possible.

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