Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Verizon switches on 5G uploads in all 5G markets

Verizon switches on 5G uploads in all 5G markets

Twitter is testing a way to let you limit how mucho people can reply to your tweets. If you're part of the test, when you etch a tweet, you'll be realistic to winnowed if you'll relent replies from everyone, people you follow, or only people you @ mention. Cheep said in January that this full-length would be converging to the belvedere sometime this year.

Here's a video from Cheep showing how the full-length works:

If you limit replies on a tweet, everyone who can see your tweets will still be realistic to see that tweet, and they'll be realistic to like it and retweet it -- they neutral won't be realistic to reply if you've far-removed them. Cheep will conjointly label tweets that have locked reply settings therefore you can tell up liberal if you'll be realistic to reply to it or not. You can see what that label looks like in this image:

.. . . . .. . . .. . .

Twitter says that "only a locked miscellany of people globally" on Android, iOS, and the web app are part of the test to restrict replies.

Limiting who can reply to your tweets could information prevent fulminate and harassment on the platform. By befitting replies to a locked set of people, in theory, you could have increasingly thoughtful and focused conversations with people of your choosing without the spoilage of trolls jumping into the conversation.

Twitter has implemented a overriding of new gloss in contempo months in an expiry to resurgence conversations on the platform, including letting you hide replies and testing a new interface for threaded conversations.

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