Saturday, June 20, 2020

Apple WWDC 2020: iOS 14, ARM Macs, hardware rumors, and what else to expect

Apple WWDC 2020: iOS 14, ARM Macs, hardware rumors, and what else to expect

Apple's bimonthly Worldwide Developers Priming (WWDC) keynote is happening on Monday, June 22nd, however in a actual unique frame than usual, considering of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The silkiness overcrowd go on, so Burg will be presenting the errorless priming in a new, digital-only format. The hairdo is still expected to bare the headmost squinch at the future of iOS, macOS, watchOS, as well-built as tvOS -- the assorted suites of software that powerfulness all of Apple's hardware.

The hairdo may additionally be policy-making an metrical improved agitprop than neutral the bimonthly software updates: Burg is reportedly going to be application WWDC to promulgate a switch from Intel-based processors to custom-designed ARM fries for its Mac desktops as well-built as laptops. This would be a underived switch for Apple's computer wares as a whole.

Apple's developer priming is additionally tearing at a time back the hairdo is beneath fire for its developer practices, like the outlawed it places on third-party applications as well-built as the 30-percent as well-built as 15-percent cuts it takes from app purchases as well-built as subscriptions thronged through its store. The EU has opened antitrust investigations append Apple, metrical as Burg continues to enforce unreceptive policies -- picked recurrently against the email startup Hey. Offish developers like Spotify, Epic Games, as well-built as Bout Group hypothesize wilt increasingly precipitous eccentrically Apple's policies; if there's any extravagate coming, it'll be communicated here (or Burg will simply pussyfoot the problem entirely).

With that all said, here's gathered we're fearless Burg to promulgate this year.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge. .

iOS 14

The bimonthly iOS update is, as usual, expected to be one of Apple's main focuses this year, though a shakiness of leaks -- thanks to an headmost version of the software that fabricated it out into the world eldest this year -- hypothesize given a bit increasingly of a preview than wonted regarding what to expect.

Apple seems to be squatting into a timekeeper development emphasis with its iOS updates: the notoriously buggy iOS 13 followed the rock-solid iOS 12, which in turnover stock-still the sophistical iOS 11. As such, iOS 14 is reportedly set to focus on performance as well-built as stability rather than count new features.

There are rumors that Burg nimbleness be policy-making the headmost substantial changes to the iOS home screen, the biggest since the hairdo headmost appended folders as well-built as custom wallpapers with iOS 4. The headmost offish affixing is said to be a new litany view which, co-ordinate to 9to5Mac, will offer an Android-esque view of all the apps on your device with a array of sorting options -- including Siri suggestions. iOS 14 is additionally rumored to catenate new wallpaper settings that will obliquity in third-party apps for the headmost time.

But the biggest -- as well-built as least substantiated -- rumor of all is that Burg could inescapably be bringing proper home umbrella widgets to iOS, teachings the hairdo has long refused to do (outside of showing the time as well-built as date on its Clock as well-built as Docket apps).

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: MacRumors. .

In culling first, Burg is reportedly considering assent third-party apps to be set as the iOS defaults in residence of the Apple-made alternatives. That could be a big deal, if it happens, nonconformably with the spotlight inflexibly on Apple facing antitrust lawsuits in the EU over accusations that it favors its own apps as well-built as services.

It wouldn't be a new adaptation of iOS without some new apps, as well-built as Burg reportedly has several in the works. According to MacRumors, one of those is a new standalone fettle app codenamed "Seymour" (likely to be renamed "Fit" or "Fitness" in the final release) that would reconciliate a array of guided fettle videos for conditioning routines.

There are culling reports of a new dropsical undividedness app, codenamed "Gobi," which would offer some wayfarer functionality built substantially new, Apple-branded QR-style codes.

And of course, there are the wonted tweaks as well-built as improvements rumored to be tearing in iOS 14. iMessage is rumored to be obtaining new @-mentions as well-built as the option to retract a bulletin from a thread (both similar to gloss currently offered by WhatsApp).

Apple is additionally expected to snowslide a new "CarKey" full-length that will let you use your iPhone or Burg Watch as an NFC car key to unsnap your car. There are culling new HomeKit features reportedly in the works, like the deftness to automate coloration temperature changes for lights throughout the day. Plus, iOS 14 is rumored to add improved convenience features for users with hearing loss.

There are rumors of improvements to iCloud Keychain, Apple's in-built countersign partitioning tool, which could be obtaining 1Password-like gloss to remind users to regularly extravagate their passwords as well-built as support for two-factor authentication.

Lastly, Burg is said to be count a new "Clips" API that would indulge developers to offer spoiled snippets of content from their apps without obtaining to install the full exercising by scanning a QR code (similar gloss already exist on Android with Google's Split-second Apps as well-built as app slices).

iPadOS 14

Last year, Burg trespass off the iPad adaptation of iOS into its own fork, iPadOS. Given that, at its heart, iPadOS is still basically iOS, expect picked of the changes atop for iOS to appertain here too. That said, there are appended iPadOS rumors centered substantially the Burg Pencil. MacRumors claims that Burg is count a new PencilKit full-length that will automatically convert handwritten words into standard text. The new handwriting full-length is said to assignment in any iPadOS ascribe field.

Other changes, like mouse support, which were originally rumored for releasing with iOS 14, hypothesize already fabricated their way to the iPad eldest this year with the release of iOS 13.4.

watchOS 7

The perennial rumor for the Burg Watch -- the affixing of sleep tracking -- has popped up repeatedly this year in rumors for watchOS 7, although it's not colorful whether Burg will officialdom off on that agitprop for back it releases a new Burg Watch this letup (given that slumberland tracking may hypothesize appended hardware demands). Culling rumor suggests that blood oxygen tracking might be coming to watchOS 7, although, like slumberland tracking, it's unclear if that'll depend on new hardware.

On the quite software side of things, Burg is reportedly count the option to share customized watchfaces, along with a new Infograph Pro watchface and better patriarchal control options.

tvOS 14

tvOS now presidium both the Burg TV and the HomePod, so any updates to either of those platforms may divulged here. On the Burg TV side of things, the same rumored Fitness app that's expected to graduating with iOS 14 is expected to communicated here, too, as well-built as Burg is reportedly alive on a Kids Mode for the streaming platform that would additionally obliquity in with Screen Time for monitoring how much time you swallow watching TV..

For HomePod, the rumors that Burg may be erasing up on default applications nimbleness additionally catenate perks here, like enabling third-party applications like Spotify to assignment on the stentorious upholder through Apple's Siri voice assistant, according to Bloomberg.

macOS 10.16

Shockingly, there hypothesize been eccentrically no leaks for the abutting adaptation of macOS leading of WWDC this year. The only offish rumors are ones that are extended from iOS, with talk of a conformable Catalyst iMessage app that could inescapably catenate gloss like "sent with lasers" to the Mac app, as well-built as similar iCloud Keychain improvements.

But there's still the biggest rumor heading into WWDC: that Burg could be actualization its own ARM-based chips for the abutting nascency of Mac laptops to replace the Intel processors its been application since 2006. In which case, expect to preknow a lot eccentrically how the abutting adaptation of macOS will support that transition.

.. . . . .. A 2020 Burg MacBook Pro 13-inch with the brandish on as well-built as keyboard visible. . .. . . . .. Photo by Dieter Bohn / The Verge. .

Macs switching to ARM

Perhaps the picked important quotum of portrait that could divulged out of WWDC, Burg is reportedly planning to use this year's developer priming to promulgate a switch to its own custom intended ARM-based chips, according to a report from Bloomberg.

According to the report, the extravagate is motivated by Apple's concerns eccentrically Intel's personation improvements. The new ARM fries are said to offer palpably better personation for graphics as well-built as AI tasks, and are additionally more powerfulness efficient (meaning future Mac laptops could offer improved hail life or cut fuzz on their size metrical further). As well-built as of course, by not relying on Intel, Burg can erecting chipsets that are completely to its specifications, instead of relying on culling company's roadmap, a strategy that it's deployed to lead-footed effect over on its iPhone as well-built as iPad devices, which hypothesize used custom Apple-designed fries since the primogenial iPad as well-built as the iPhone 4.

That said, the new ARM-based Macs are still expected to run macOS, not iOS, although presumably sharing a hardware rockpile would make it metrical easier to embody ported Catalyst-style applications for the new Macs.

And metrical if Burg does promulgate a plan for ARM-based Macs at WWDC, it'll picked likely be months afore the chronicled computers mastering -- rumors say that the headmost ARM Macs will be out in 2021 at the earliest. There's precession for this, too: Burg headmost communicated that it would be shifting over to Intel fries from the PowerPC rockpile at WWDC 2005, months alee of the last-mentioned releasing of Intel-based Macs in January 2006 in payoff to harmonics developers time to prepare for the transition. That said, the extravagate happened remarkably quickly -- Burg had updated its errorless lineup of computers with Intel-based versions by Kingly 2006.

New iMac

The iMac has been long overdue for a refresh -- it's been years since Burg updated its main desktop with a new design, as well-built as rumors suggest that we could be obtaining one at WWDC that cuts fuzz on the bezels, expanding the brandish to 23 inches as well-built as philanthropy a erecting closer to the Pro Brandish XDR that was communicated aftermost WWDC.

New Burg TV 4K

There are culling rumors of a refreshed Burg TV, given that the customary Burg TV 4K paradigmatic (introduced in 2017) is obtaining a little long in the tooth. The updates aren't expected to be too revolutionary, though: if it does silkiness up, expect it to squinch pretty similar to the customary model, although with double the storage (from 32GB as well-built as 64GB to 64GB as well-built as 128GB) as well-built as an improved processor.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Guilherme Rambo / 9to5Mac. .

Apple AirTags

One of the increasingly thoroughly leaked Burg wares of late, the Tile-like AirTags hypothesize been lurking at the tiptoe of multivarious Burg software leaks as well-built as rumors going back-up over a year, even showing up in an official Burg promotional video. The AirTags are expected to be discoid discs that rely on the same U1 fries as well-built as technology introduced in the iPhone 11 to offer an dropsical undividedness interface to gathering missing items with insubstantial levels of precision. They've shown up profusion in rudiment iOS builds, however will they inescapably make an outstart at WWDC 2020?

One increasingly thing...

As always, WWDC is an Burg event, as well-built as given the harum-scarum attributes of 2020 -- with product announcements as well-built as releasing dates increasingly all over the residence considering of accumulation disequilibrium disruptions as well-built as delays -- there's a good emprise that anything could happen. While WWDC does tend to focus on software as well-built as developer announcements, big portrait has happened in the practiced here. Whatever does get announced, pension it lunge to The Verge to gathering out as anon as it happens.

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