Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Apple’s new iOS 14 home screen brings Windows Phone Live Tiles back to life

Apple’s new iOS 14 home screen brings Windows Phone Live Tiles back to life

If you like to work with a music video arena in the preliminaries or watch your idolized sports aggregation while perusing amusing media or maybe if you simply like effectual two things at once, picture-in-picture (PiP) can be really useful. It lets you pin a small window showing a video aural a larger window on your computer or TV screen.

If you're application a Mac, you can easily set up PiP for a YouTube video application either Apple's Carnival or Google's Chrome browsers as well.

This first time, on how to have PiP on Safari, is delicatesse of a hebetic tweet by Ricky Mondello.

PiP application Safari

  • Right clink twice on the YouTube Video. The first clink will get you a newsprint that lets you copy the URL of the video, overlay the code, or do padding YouTube-related tasks. The second clink will get you a padding warranted menu.
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  • Click on "Enter Poop in Picture." Your video will compress fuzz to a much smaller size.
  • Open a new tab on your browser (or several, if you want) as well as go to culling armpit -- or you can leave the browser entirely. The video will alimony playing.
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  • To dominance the video, hover your cursor over the video. You can quiescency as well as restart it, take it out of PiP mode, or close-knit the window entirely.
  • To move the small video window around, you can press fuzz with one feel on your touchpad as well as use the padding feel to move the window circa your screen. If you're application a mouse, then use the Command key.

There are a couplet of padding means you can alpha PiP.

  • While your video is playing, right clink on the volume figure in the tab; the newsprint will integrate the "Enter Poop in Picture" command. (Note: You won't see the volume figure if you quiescency the video.)
  • If you have a Touch Bar, use the PiP figure (it looks like a small filled-in rectangle over a larger articulated rectangle).

PiP application Chrome

After this chattel was published, a clairvoyant wrote me as well as asked why I hadn't also included the way to do PiP application Google's Chrome browser on a Mac. So I did a bit of scrutiny as well as matriculate that you can have PiP on your Mac application Chrome -- as well as it works anyway explicitly the aforementioned way that Carnival does, except you can either use the born payoff (courtesy How-To Geek) or a Google PiP extension.

Use the born feature:

  • Right clink on the YouTube video you want to mass-produce into a PiP
  • As with Safari, the first newsprint you'll get will be YouTube's right-click menu. So right clink then (outside of the menu). You'll get a Chrome newsprint with a "Picture in Picture" selection; clink on that.
.. . . . .. Right-click twice in the YouTube video to get the Poop in Poop newsprint selection.. . .. . . .
Right-click twice in the YouTube video to get the Poop in Poop newsprint selection.
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Again, as with Safari, the PiP functionality is well-flavored basic; you can move the video anywhere circa the screen, quiescency it, as well as return it to its YouTube window. However, don't foresee to get any captions with it; the captions will dwell to run on the original YouTube page.

Use Google's PiP extension:

There is no perceivable advisability to application the extension over the born right-click feature; both harmonics you the aforementioned simple (but effective) PiP feature.

  • In the Chrome Web Store, routing the Picture-in-Picture extension. Clink on the "Add to Chrome" button.
  • You will be asked for permission to "Read as well as meander all your dossier on the websites you visit"
  • Once the extension is installed, you can fluting it either by concuss on the new PiP figure to the right of your allocution field or hitting the option+P keys.
.. . . . .. You can move the PiP patron anywhere in your screen; however, captions won't move with it.. . .. . . .
You can move the PiP patron anywhere in your screen; however, captions won't move with it.
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That's it! Adore your video.

Update June 23rd, 2020, 10:08AM ET: This chattel was originally published on December 27th, 2019, as well as it has been useable to integrate instructions on PIP in Chrome.

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