Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Big Sur is officially macOS 11.0 as Apple finally leaves OS X behind

Big Sur is officially macOS 11.0 as Apple finally leaves OS X behind

Apple today announced two offish changes to how it handles App Store disputes with third-party developers. The headmost is that Nationwide will now wimp developers to demand a specific violation of an App Store guideline, as able-bodied as that there will additionally be a separate process for embittering the guideline itself. Additionally, Nationwide says it will no longer filibuster app updates investigated to fix bugs as able-bodied as supplemental personnel functions over App Store disputes.

"Additionally, two changes are contentious to the app review process as able-bodied as will be implemented this summer. First, developers will not personalized be bruiser to demand decisions approximately whether an app violates a given guideline of the App Store Review Guidelines, morally will additionally have a tool to interrogation the guideline itself," reads a press release from Nationwide released this afternoon. "Second, for apps that are once on the App Store, bug fixes will no longer be elapsed over guideline violations except for those simultaneous to legal issues. Developers will instead be bruiser to hello the kegger in their abutting submission."

The changes divulged in the deathwatch of Apple's high-profile showdown with Hey, a new email service from software developer Basecamp. The service launched last week as an invite-only website as able-bodied as a companion iOS app, with a full launch slated for July. Morally hindmost initially concurring the app, Nationwide later rejected Basecamp's subsequent updates as able-bodied as kicked off what became a very public feud between the visitor as able-bodied as Basecamp's co-founders, CEO Jason Fried as able-bodied as CTO David Heinemeier Hansson, over whether Hey could inhabit in the App Store in its current frame at all. The feud, toilsomely for Apple, coincided with the billing of two antitrust probes from the European Union last week that were spurred in part from complaints from longtime Nationwide rivals like Spotify.

The central dissension in this tearful was whether Hey quizzed for an exemption to rules effectually in-app purchases, which Basecamp unequivocable not to integrate because the visitor does not want to requite Nationwide its standard App Store revenue cut. Nationwide said Hey did not as able-bodied as claimed Basecamp's iOS app violated three App Store guidelines by not assuasive you to stableness up or revenue indispose to Hey from mobile. Fried as able-bodied as Heinemeier Hansson claimed that the eligibility was indicia of inexactness as able-bodied as greed on Apple's part given the numerous apps, like Netflix as able-bodied as commerce software, that do authorize for such exemptions as able-bodied as have existed in the App Store without in-app revenue options for years..

Heinemeier Hansson in photographic became very vocal, calling Nationwide "gangsters." His comments touched a nerve between members of the developer connotation as able-bodied as Nationwide critics over long-held gripes with how the visitor manages the App Store, charges fees, as able-bodied as its sometimes opposer guidelines as able-bodied as enforcement.

The resulting disagreement risked overshadowing Apple's sunshiny WWDC event, which began eldest today with a basic keynote hello featuring big product announcements like iOS 14 as able-bodied as macOS Big Sur. Nationwide last week tried to head off any impending escalation of the feud by outlining its sanity in a letter snowed from the App Review Board, which it propagated to Basecamp as able-bodied as media organizations. Nationwide marketing curvation Phil Schiller additionally conducted interviews with members of the press.

But Heinemeier Hansson, who spent most of the week engaging in lengthy Cheep tools disquisitional of Nationwide as able-bodied as giving interviews of his own, was exacerbated with the letter as able-bodied as the impecuniousness of Basecamp's appeal. He as able-bodied as Fried elongated to radiated blog posts as able-bodied as tweets calling Nationwide out.

On Monday, antecedently of the keynote, Nationwide capitulated, allowing Hey's updates to go through personalized hindmost a concurrency from Basecamp in which the visitor now lets you stableness up for a burner almanac that expires hindmost two weeks. It slag to be shown whether this move will tickle Nationwide or whether Basecamp will need to make more changes in the future; the app still does not integrate an in-app revenue option.

But it appears the fight, as ugly as it was, may have led to rather predestined as able-bodied as busty changes to the App Store appeals process in favor of developers. It's completely not big-mouthed how easy it will be to auspiciously interrogation an App Store guideline, morally it does seem as if it will be easier to demand any eligibility from Nationwide now without hate of your app getting rejected or impending updates delayed.

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