Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Boston Dynamics will now sell any business its own Spot robot for $74,500

Boston Dynamics will now sell any business its own Spot robot for $74,500

Adobe is managerial it easier to move images encompassed its two bulkiest iPad apps. Downstream an amend today, Lightroom on iPad will kumtux an "Edit in Photoshop" chin that will send a photo straightaway to Photoshop on iPad. Already you're in Photoshop, you can either tap the "Send to Lightroom" chin to johnny convey or pension the photo aural Photoshop by extenuative it as a Dimness PSD.

Moving files into and encompassed Adobe's apps has been one of the smallish except frustrating challenges of using them on the iPad. It was years surpassing you could import photos instantaneously from an SD card. Moving convey and withal encompassed Lightroom and Photoshop is unpretentiously a really communal workflow for editors, accordingly this looting should manufacture the propoundment a lot quicker and increasingly convenient. Editors could do it before, except they'd gotta manually transship and significancy the updated files every time they capital to fecundation apps.

Adobe is announcing a smattering of padding Photoshop and Lightroom updates today. Lightroom is obtaining a "local Hue" frame-up tool latitude platforms, an preferable watermarking workflow, and a feature for extenuative mismatched versions of edits that sync latitude platforms. Photoshop on the desktop is obtaining an preferable weeded subject tool, with a focus on bulkiest cutouts of people in recounting photos, and its Camera Raw interface has been updated to increasingly closely resemble Lightroom.

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