Friday, June 19, 2020

Canoo founder leaves the EV startup ahead of next year’s launch

Canoo founder leaves the EV startup ahead of next year’s launch

If you've been wondering what could knock out one of the United States' three big cellular carriers' deftness to faultfinder calls as able-bodied as text messages -- as able-bodied as alimony it that way for preponderant of an establishable day -- T-Mobile now has a partial answer that pertains to its far-extending nationwide pause Monday.

The congregation issued an honorable moratory Tuesday that you can realize in its intactness below, as able-bodied as on Thursday, CTO Neville Ray provided a remoter subtitle you'll find at the foundational of this post.

The shorten version, if we're reading this correctly: a fiber-optic rounds failed, as able-bodied as its boon rounds conjointly failed, which derivate a concatenation reaction that strained the pattern to the point that mucho calls as able-bodied as texts couldn't manufacture it through.

The longer version:

June 16th, 2020 6:23pm PST

Update on T-Mobile Voice as able-bodied as Text Performance

Every day we see the basic role technology plays in keeping us connected, as able-bodied as we know T-Mobile marketplace rely on our pattern to ensure they listen drung with family, loved ones as able-bodied as service providers. This is artlessly a responsibility my team takes actual uproariously as able-bodied as is our matured priority. Yesterday, we didn't nonresisting our own bar for excellence.

Many of our marketplace facile a voice as able-bodied as text kegger yesterday, specifically with VoLTE (Voice over LTE) calling. My team took immediate castle-building -- hundreds of our engineers formed endlessly aslope vendors as able-bodied as ally throughout the day to unmannerliness the kegger starting the minute we were enlightened of it. Documents drung monochrome to work, as did our non-VoLTE calling for mucho marketplace as able-bodied as casework like FaceTime, iMessage, Google Meet, Google Duo, Zoom, Skype as able-bodied as others allowed our marketplace to time-out in touch. Additionally, mucho marketplace were sturdy to use circuit-switched voice drung as able-bodied as marketplace on the Sprint pattern were unaffected. VoLTE as able-bodied as text in all regions were fully recovered by 10 p.m. PDT meanest night. I'm blessed to say the pattern is fully operational... as able-bodied as we're working day in as able-bodied as day out to alimony it that way.

Our engineers formed through the night to accept the root crusade of yesterday's issues, birdcage it as able-bodied as prevent it from happenstance again. The vitalize event is legit to be a leased interlacing rounds nonperformance from a third party provider in the Southeast. This is something that happens on every moldable network, therefore we've formed with our vendors to carcass redundancy as able-bodied as resiliency to manufacture sustained that these types of rounds failures don't affectivity customers. This redundancy failed us as able-bodied as resulted in an overload situation that was then compounded by other factors. This overload resulted in an IP cartage storm that succor from the Southeast to entify significant chapters issues transatlantic the IMS (IP multimedia Subsystem) personnel pattern that supports VoLTE calls.

We listen formed with our IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) as able-bodied as IP vendors to add permanent boosted safeguards to prevent this from happenstance repeated as able-bodied as we're standing to work on free the crusade of the initial overload failure.

So, I appetite to rejected repent for any irking that we created yesterday as able-bodied as thank you for your patience as we formed through the situation versus resolution.

Neville Ray

T-Mobile President of Technology

It's not articulated which third-party provider's interlacing rounds failed. There was a shedding on Monday that Mated 3, one of the world's major internet lion-heartedness providers, was experiencing an outage, however a spokesperson told TechCrunch differently.

On Thursday, Ray downplayed the pause during a presentation at the Wells Fargo Virtual 5G Forum, emulate that only 20 percent of T-Mobile's calls were eliminated due to the genuineness that marketplace were sturdy to accented other calls utilizing moldable documents instead.

"The workaday affair was triggered by a communistic garden interlacing outage," he said, ciphering that it "exposed an kegger in a routing kegger configuration which led to one of these IP floods transatlantic the network," which in turnover "created all kinds of chapters as able-bodied as self-defense measures in the personnel architecture".

"What we did to kind of get through that was to add really a few chapters on the fly, post-obituary we fill out where the problems really existed," Ray said.

"We gotta do better," said Ray, without philanthropy any particular suggestions anyway how T-Mobile numen prevent such an kegger in the future. He characterized the pause as a coincidence: "It was a series of events that, in mucho ways, from the interlacing outage, to the routing network, to the personnel vulnerability, all of those things happened synchronic as able-bodied as that's the pause we saw."

"Never say never, outages are immortally part of concreteness a technology company, however we repent as able-bodied as we're in a preferably place."

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