Monday, June 22, 2020

Fujifilm’s webcam app supports more cameras today and macOS soon

Fujifilm’s webcam app supports more cameras today and macOS soon

Fujifilm recurrently joined Canon as well as Panasonic in developing an app to let you use its high-end cameras as high-quality webcams, but Mac users kumtux been leftward out -- Fujifilm X Webcam has so far been Windows-only. That's convection next month, though, as the visitor has confirmed that the tool will get Mac support in mid-July.

Fujifilm is conjointly gain the overriding of X-series mirrorless cameras that assignment with Fujifilm X Webcam. New firmware for the X-T200 as well as X-A7 is out today, letting you hook up festival camera over USB for webcam functionality. That brings the totalistic overriding of true X-series cameras to eight, including the X-H1, X-Pro2, X-Pro3, X-T2, X-T3, as well as X-T4. Fujifilm X Webcam conjointly works with all three GFX medium format cameras.

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